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Factors that Influence The Behavior of Young People In Making the Decision to Start A Business. Case Study

1 University of Oradea, Romania
2 University of Debrecen, Hungary

This study aims to analyze the behavior when making the decision to become entrepreneurs of young people aged 21-23 (economics undergraduates in their final year at universities in Romania and Hungary). The tool used in the analysis is the questionnaire applied that revealed the factors making up the behavior when deciding to start a business. Knowing their motivation will allow them to understand action decisions, development plans, as well as the perception of today's world and the new reality. Similar studies have highlighted the link between the behavior of the young generation, including starting a business, and access to the Internet using new technologies (43% of young people aged 21 to 24 spend between 4 and 8 hours a day in front of screens), lack of financial resources, difficulty in accessing funding sources, lack of career counseling or moral support from those close to you. Compared to the needs of students in Hungary, the study underlines, in the case of Romanian economists, the link between their behavior when facing the entrepreneurial decision and funding sources (lack of own funds, difficulty accessing funding sources), but also lack of career counseling. The identified solution is to support the establishment of a counseling center for economics students within the faculty following the model of the center that operates in the University of Hungary.


Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Behavior, Career Counseling, Development Plan
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Abstract Views: 438

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  • Factors that Influence The Behavior of Young People In Making the Decision to Start A Business. Case Study

Abstract Views: 438  |  PDF Views: 216


Liana-Eugenia Meter
University of Oradea, Romania
Andreea-Florina Fora
University of Oradea, Romania
Nicoleta Georgeta Bugnar
University of Oradea, Romania
Margit Csipkes
University of Debrecen, Hungary


This study aims to analyze the behavior when making the decision to become entrepreneurs of young people aged 21-23 (economics undergraduates in their final year at universities in Romania and Hungary). The tool used in the analysis is the questionnaire applied that revealed the factors making up the behavior when deciding to start a business. Knowing their motivation will allow them to understand action decisions, development plans, as well as the perception of today's world and the new reality. Similar studies have highlighted the link between the behavior of the young generation, including starting a business, and access to the Internet using new technologies (43% of young people aged 21 to 24 spend between 4 and 8 hours a day in front of screens), lack of financial resources, difficulty in accessing funding sources, lack of career counseling or moral support from those close to you. Compared to the needs of students in Hungary, the study underlines, in the case of Romanian economists, the link between their behavior when facing the entrepreneurial decision and funding sources (lack of own funds, difficulty accessing funding sources), but also lack of career counseling. The identified solution is to support the establishment of a counseling center for economics students within the faculty following the model of the center that operates in the University of Hungary.


Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Behavior, Career Counseling, Development Plan
