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Skill Enhancement Influenced by Effective Training

1 Department of Management Studies, Christ College of Engineering & Technology, Pondicherry – 605010, India
2 Department of Management Studies, Christ College of Engineering & Technology, Puducherry, India

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In an ever changing and fast paced corporate world, training is an indispensable function. Training is one of the lowest things on the priority list of most companies. It is enormous value in organizing proper training sessions for employees. Training allows employees to acquire new skills, sharpen existing ones, perform better, increase productivity and be better leaders. The purpose of this study is that how skill enhancement influenced by effective training for the adoption by the human resources development executives in their planning, designing and implementing training programs. The findings of this study suggest many factors which affect training effectiveness like motivation, attitude, emotional intelligence, support from management and peers, training style and environment, open-minded of trainer, job related factors, self efficiency and basic ability, etc. Since this skill enhancement results in their worth enhancement for the firm’s rivals, there is a greater likelihood that it will ultimately result in employees’ increased.


Employees, Skill Enhancement, Training Program.
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  • Skill Enhancement Influenced by Effective Training

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V. Subramanian
Department of Management Studies, Christ College of Engineering & Technology, Pondicherry – 605010, India
A. Ananda Kumar
Department of Management Studies, Christ College of Engineering & Technology, Puducherry, India


In an ever changing and fast paced corporate world, training is an indispensable function. Training is one of the lowest things on the priority list of most companies. It is enormous value in organizing proper training sessions for employees. Training allows employees to acquire new skills, sharpen existing ones, perform better, increase productivity and be better leaders. The purpose of this study is that how skill enhancement influenced by effective training for the adoption by the human resources development executives in their planning, designing and implementing training programs. The findings of this study suggest many factors which affect training effectiveness like motivation, attitude, emotional intelligence, support from management and peers, training style and environment, open-minded of trainer, job related factors, self efficiency and basic ability, etc. Since this skill enhancement results in their worth enhancement for the firm’s rivals, there is a greater likelihood that it will ultimately result in employees’ increased.


Employees, Skill Enhancement, Training Program.
