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Characterization and Comparative Physico-Chemical Studies of Manahshila (Traditionally Used Arsenic Mineral) and the Corresponding Polymorphs of Realgar (As4S4)

1 Department of Rasa Shastra, Institute of Medical Sciences, Centre of Advanced Study in Geology, Institute of Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi 221 005, India
2 Centre of Advanced Study in Geology, Institute of Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi 221 005, India

This communication presents characterization and comparison of the physico-chemical properties of different varieties of Manahshila with the corresponding polymorphs of realgar. Three varieties of Manahshila have been described in Ayurveda, viz. Shyamangi, Kanavirak and Khandakhya; the last two are acceptable therapeutically. Khandakhya contains high percentage of arsenic than Kanavirak. In this study, both samples of Manahshila have been collected. Their physical and chemical properties have been correlated with the polymorphs of realgar. XRD study classifies Kanavirak as alacranite and Khandakhya as realgar. EDXA study confirms 51.33% and 68.14% of arsenic in alacranite and realgar samples respectively. This work correlates the ancient description of Manahshila with contemporary mineralogical classification (polymorphs) of mineral realgar.


Alacranite, Manahshila, Physico-Chemical Studies, Polymorphs of Realgar, Mineralogical Classification.
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  • Characterization and Comparative Physico-Chemical Studies of Manahshila (Traditionally Used Arsenic Mineral) and the Corresponding Polymorphs of Realgar (As4S4)

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Vinamra Sharma
Department of Rasa Shastra, Institute of Medical Sciences, Centre of Advanced Study in Geology, Institute of Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi 221 005, India
Amiya K. Samal
Centre of Advanced Study in Geology, Institute of Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi 221 005, India
Anand K. Chaudhary
Department of Rasa Shastra, Institute of Medical Sciences, Centre of Advanced Study in Geology, Institute of Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi 221 005, India
Rajesh K. Srivastava
Centre of Advanced Study in Geology, Institute of Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi 221 005, India


This communication presents characterization and comparison of the physico-chemical properties of different varieties of Manahshila with the corresponding polymorphs of realgar. Three varieties of Manahshila have been described in Ayurveda, viz. Shyamangi, Kanavirak and Khandakhya; the last two are acceptable therapeutically. Khandakhya contains high percentage of arsenic than Kanavirak. In this study, both samples of Manahshila have been collected. Their physical and chemical properties have been correlated with the polymorphs of realgar. XRD study classifies Kanavirak as alacranite and Khandakhya as realgar. EDXA study confirms 51.33% and 68.14% of arsenic in alacranite and realgar samples respectively. This work correlates the ancient description of Manahshila with contemporary mineralogical classification (polymorphs) of mineral realgar.


Alacranite, Manahshila, Physico-Chemical Studies, Polymorphs of Realgar, Mineralogical Classification.
