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Failure Free Cloud Computing Architectures

1 University of Lusaka, Zambia
2 Copperbelt University, Zambia

Cloud computing has gained popularity over the years, some organizations are using some form of cloud computing to enhance their business operations while reducing infrastructure costs and gaining more agility by deploying applications and making changes to applications easily. Cloud computing systems just like any other computer system are prone to failure, these failures are due to the distributed and complex nature of the cloud computing platforms.

Cloud computing systems need to be built for failure to ensure that they continue operating even if the cloud system has an error. The errors should be masked from the cloud users to ensure that users continue accessing the cloud services and this intern leads to cloud consumers gaining confidence in the availability and reliability of cloud services.

In this paper, we propose the use of N-Modular redundancy to design and implement failure-free clouds.


Cloud Computing, Cloud Consumer, Failure Free, N-Modular Redundancy.
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  • Failure Free Cloud Computing Architectures

Abstract Views: 329  |  PDF Views: 129


Yolam Zimba
University of Lusaka, Zambia
Hastings Maboshe Libati
Copperbelt University, Zambia
Derrick Ntalasha
Copperbelt University, Zambia


Cloud computing has gained popularity over the years, some organizations are using some form of cloud computing to enhance their business operations while reducing infrastructure costs and gaining more agility by deploying applications and making changes to applications easily. Cloud computing systems just like any other computer system are prone to failure, these failures are due to the distributed and complex nature of the cloud computing platforms.

Cloud computing systems need to be built for failure to ensure that they continue operating even if the cloud system has an error. The errors should be masked from the cloud users to ensure that users continue accessing the cloud services and this intern leads to cloud consumers gaining confidence in the availability and reliability of cloud services.

In this paper, we propose the use of N-Modular redundancy to design and implement failure-free clouds.


Cloud Computing, Cloud Consumer, Failure Free, N-Modular Redundancy.
