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Ranganathan to Altmetrics

1 Department of Library and Information Science, Karnatak University\Dharwad-580 003, India

Ranganathan began his professional career as a mathematician then turned librarian. His most notable contributions to the field were his five laws of library science and Colon Classification. The development of metrics from Librametry to Almetrics is discussed. It also deals with resources used for measuring all tools of metrics. The evaluative tools necessary evils for Library and Information Profession to measure the communicated research literature is being viewed.


Librametry, Scientometrics, Google scholar.
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  • Ranganathan to Altmetrics

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S. L. Sangam
Department of Library and Information Science, Karnatak University\Dharwad-580 003, India


Ranganathan began his professional career as a mathematician then turned librarian. His most notable contributions to the field were his five laws of library science and Colon Classification. The development of metrics from Librametry to Almetrics is discussed. It also deals with resources used for measuring all tools of metrics. The evaluative tools necessary evils for Library and Information Profession to measure the communicated research literature is being viewed.


Librametry, Scientometrics, Google scholar.
