Vol 11, No 1-4 (1995)

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Vol 11, No 1-4 (1995)

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Radiation Modification of Dispersed Oxides in the Region of Small Doses-I-radiation Modification of Silica
E. A. Baklachev, N. M. Beylerian, H. A. Ghasarian
 Vol 11, No 1-4 (1995), Pagination: 1-8
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Kinetics of the Interaction of H2O2 with Natural and Reclaimed Saline Soils of Ararat-plain (Armenia)
M. Gu. Guevorkian, N. M. Beylerian, S. Sh. Yavrian
 Vol 11, No 1-4 (1995), Pagination: 9-20
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Surface Properties of Aqueous Solutions of Some Quaternary Ammonium Salts
R. S. Haroutiounian, N. M. Beylerian, A. V. Babakhanian
 Vol 11, No 1-4 (1995), Pagination: 21-26
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Influence of Phase Orientation on the Measurement of Interfacial Tension by Spinning Drop Tensiometry
Vladimir Hornof, Sebastien Chouinard
 Vol 11, No 1-4 (1995), Pagination: 27-31
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Oscillatory Extraction of Alkali Metal Cations by Non-Cyclic Carboxylic Ionophores
Shipra Khamaru, Uma Sharma
 Vol 11, No 1-4 (1995), Pagination: 33-39
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Cation Exchange Properties of Chromium(III) Phosphate
S. Mustafa, A. Naeem, N. Rehana, S. Murtaza
 Vol 11, No 1-4 (1995), Pagination: 41-57
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Affinity of Polyclonal IgG and F(ab')2 Fragments for Different Polymeric Surfaces
J. L. Ortega Vinuesa, M. Jose Galvez Ruiz, R. Hidalgo Alvarez
 Vol 11, No 1-4 (1995), Pagination: 59-74
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Spectrophotometric Studies on the Interaction of Eriochrome Black T with Cetylpyridinium Bromide and Metal Ions
Neelam Seedher, Yashumati Bhamri
 Vol 11, No 1-4 (1995), Pagination: 75-81
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Evaluation of the Relative Contribution of Electrostatic and Hydrophobic Effects on the Binding Constants of Some Co(III) Complexes Using Gel Filtration Technique
Neeta Sharma, R. K. Dangi, S. N. Joshi, R. Shanker
 Vol 11, No 1-4 (1995), Pagination: 83-89
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Studies of the Flotation of Pyritic Sulphide Ores of Lead From Rajpura Dariba Mine, Udaipur, India
A. V. Singh, K. L. Menaria
 Vol 11, No 1-4 (1995), Pagination: 91-96
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