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Effects of Online Buyer Characteristics on E-Service Quality

1 SPMR College of Commerce, Jammu, India
2 Department of Business Administration, Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu, India

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In addition to customer perception and expectation, e-service quality take account of all possible communication stages connecting customer and e-Service providers’ website.Keeping this in view, present study was conducted and data were collected from 703 online buyers from three states of India following the guidelines of diffusion of Innovation theory (Rogers, 1983). The result of the present study reveals that Perceived overall Service Quality depends on group of factors such as Propensity of Online Buying, Actual Online Buying, Understanding levels of e-Shopping, Perceived Security on e-Payment, Preference for Physical Payment and Intensity of Internet Usage among Online Buyers.More specifically, Understanding levels of e-Shopping among Online Buyers in e-Retailing is found to be having significant superior effect on Perceived overall Service Quality. Similarly,Perceived Security on e-Payment among Online Buyers in e-Retailing cause’s significant good effecton Perceived overall Service Quality in e-Retailing. However, Actual Online Buying, Preference for Physical Payment and Intensity of Internet Usage are not found to be significant.


E-Service Quality, Online Buying, Service Quality and Online Buyer Characteristics.
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  • Effects of Online Buyer Characteristics on E-Service Quality

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Adil Rasool
SPMR College of Commerce, Jammu, India
P. Rajmohan
Department of Business Administration, Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu, India


In addition to customer perception and expectation, e-service quality take account of all possible communication stages connecting customer and e-Service providers’ website.Keeping this in view, present study was conducted and data were collected from 703 online buyers from three states of India following the guidelines of diffusion of Innovation theory (Rogers, 1983). The result of the present study reveals that Perceived overall Service Quality depends on group of factors such as Propensity of Online Buying, Actual Online Buying, Understanding levels of e-Shopping, Perceived Security on e-Payment, Preference for Physical Payment and Intensity of Internet Usage among Online Buyers.More specifically, Understanding levels of e-Shopping among Online Buyers in e-Retailing is found to be having significant superior effect on Perceived overall Service Quality. Similarly,Perceived Security on e-Payment among Online Buyers in e-Retailing cause’s significant good effecton Perceived overall Service Quality in e-Retailing. However, Actual Online Buying, Preference for Physical Payment and Intensity of Internet Usage are not found to be significant.


E-Service Quality, Online Buying, Service Quality and Online Buyer Characteristics.
