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Overview of Herbal Cosmetics

1 Gurukrupa Institute of Pharmacy [Degree] Malipargaon Phata, Majalgaon, Dist: Beed, 431129, India
2 Vasant Pharmacy College, Kaij, India
3 Mangaldeep Institute of Pharmacy, Aurangabad, India

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To remain healthy and to appear good, the skin surface requires periodic cleansing to remove dirt, sebum and other secretions, dead cells, crusts, applied make-ups, atmospheric change, and irregular life style. Use of chemical based topical applications extends fast deterioration of skin and their appendix. This requires immediate and suitable procedure which can not only extend benefits to the skin but also helpful in long duration making your skin look charming. Cosmetics play a vital role for everyone to have a joyful and sanguine life. In present scenario herbal Cosmeceuticals have more demand because they have no side effects. People having oily skin suffer from acne, whiteheads and blackheads quite often so scrubbing become more essential. To remain healthy and of good appearance, the skin surface requires frequent cleansing to remove grin, sebus and other secretions, dead cells, crusts and applied make-ups. The current present work is absed upon the the compounding of the the herbal facial scrub by using an identical combination of the herbal drugs. The formulated scrub was evaluated for various parameters such as physical appearance, color, texture, odor, pH, viscosity, irritability, washability, homogeneity, extrudability, spreadability and found fruitful results for all the parameter tested. Thus the prepared formulation can be used effectively as it shows good scrubbing properties and it can be used to make a healthy, clean and glowing skin


Facial scrub, Polyherbal, Skin Exfoliate, Healthy skin, dirt, Acne, Cosmeceuticals, Parameters, etc.
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  • Overview of Herbal Cosmetics

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Pawan N karwa
Gurukrupa Institute of Pharmacy [Degree] Malipargaon Phata, Majalgaon, Dist: Beed, 431129, India
Meera Devi
Gurukrupa Institute of Pharmacy [Degree] Malipargaon Phata, Majalgaon, Dist: Beed, 431129, India
Avinash B Thalkari
Vasant Pharmacy College, Kaij, India
Vivek M Thorat
Mangaldeep Institute of Pharmacy, Aurangabad, India


To remain healthy and to appear good, the skin surface requires periodic cleansing to remove dirt, sebum and other secretions, dead cells, crusts, applied make-ups, atmospheric change, and irregular life style. Use of chemical based topical applications extends fast deterioration of skin and their appendix. This requires immediate and suitable procedure which can not only extend benefits to the skin but also helpful in long duration making your skin look charming. Cosmetics play a vital role for everyone to have a joyful and sanguine life. In present scenario herbal Cosmeceuticals have more demand because they have no side effects. People having oily skin suffer from acne, whiteheads and blackheads quite often so scrubbing become more essential. To remain healthy and of good appearance, the skin surface requires frequent cleansing to remove grin, sebus and other secretions, dead cells, crusts and applied make-ups. The current present work is absed upon the the compounding of the the herbal facial scrub by using an identical combination of the herbal drugs. The formulated scrub was evaluated for various parameters such as physical appearance, color, texture, odor, pH, viscosity, irritability, washability, homogeneity, extrudability, spreadability and found fruitful results for all the parameter tested. Thus the prepared formulation can be used effectively as it shows good scrubbing properties and it can be used to make a healthy, clean and glowing skin


Facial scrub, Polyherbal, Skin Exfoliate, Healthy skin, dirt, Acne, Cosmeceuticals, Parameters, etc.
