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The Role of Habit-Technology Fit on Employees’ Acceptance of Knowledge Management in Bangladesh

1 Wuhan University of Technology, China
2 Department of Marketing, Jagannath University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
3 School of Management, Wuhan University of Technology, China

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Achievement of KMS practice in a country can be determined by employee's acceptance of Knowledge Management Systems (KMS) though exiting literature on the field of a knowledge management system has concentrated on various practices and implementation issues of the system in an organization. There is still a lack of a comprehensive review for the critical factors that influences on KMS adoption by the employee. This paper tries to identify the factors that lead to the acceptance of knowledge management systems by extended UTAUT model. The proposed research model is tested based on the data collected from 250 respondents through partial least square (PLS) method. The research findings showed that performance expectancy and effort expectancy have significant influence on behaviour intention except social influence. The empirical study also revealed that behavioural intention's key determined employees' use of KMS but facilitating condition does not determine employees' use of KMS. Moreover, the results confirm the importance of habit-technology fit on usage's behaviour of KMS. The findings of this study will enrich the KMS adoption literature and will also help Bangladeshi organization policy maker to take proper initiative to put emphasis on this specific area to motivate the Bangladeshi employee to adopt more KMS. As a result, employees can use KMS frequently.


UTAUT Model, Habit-Technology Fit, Behavioural Intention, Usages Behaviour, KMS.
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  • The Role of Habit-Technology Fit on Employees’ Acceptance of Knowledge Management in Bangladesh

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Liza Khanam
Wuhan University of Technology, China
Mohammad Abdullah Mahfuz
Department of Marketing, Jagannath University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Qin Yuanjian
School of Management, Wuhan University of Technology, China


Achievement of KMS practice in a country can be determined by employee's acceptance of Knowledge Management Systems (KMS) though exiting literature on the field of a knowledge management system has concentrated on various practices and implementation issues of the system in an organization. There is still a lack of a comprehensive review for the critical factors that influences on KMS adoption by the employee. This paper tries to identify the factors that lead to the acceptance of knowledge management systems by extended UTAUT model. The proposed research model is tested based on the data collected from 250 respondents through partial least square (PLS) method. The research findings showed that performance expectancy and effort expectancy have significant influence on behaviour intention except social influence. The empirical study also revealed that behavioural intention's key determined employees' use of KMS but facilitating condition does not determine employees' use of KMS. Moreover, the results confirm the importance of habit-technology fit on usage's behaviour of KMS. The findings of this study will enrich the KMS adoption literature and will also help Bangladeshi organization policy maker to take proper initiative to put emphasis on this specific area to motivate the Bangladeshi employee to adopt more KMS. As a result, employees can use KMS frequently.


UTAUT Model, Habit-Technology Fit, Behavioural Intention, Usages Behaviour, KMS.
