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Effects of Mineral Addition on Rheological Properties of Mortar

1 Department of Civil Engineering, Institute of Science, University Cente Morsli Abdallahof Tipaza, Algeria
2 Laboratory EOLE, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering, Abou Bekr Belkaid University, Tlemcen, Algeria

The evolution of the science of the chemistry of admixtures besides the integration of various mineral additions in granular mixtures has metamorphosed the field of the concrete material. Thus, the produced mixtures are directly affected by the chosen combination of additions of mineral and organic. The disorders of industrial experience have often been associated with the dosages and interactions between the various additions used. The proposed study investigates the impact of the combination of different types of mineral and organic additions on the rheological properties of mortars.

In this research work, mortars were made by varying the rate of substitution of cement by three types of mineral additions (limestone fillers, marble powder, natural pozzolan), in association with different dosages of a 3rd generation superplasticizer (polycarboxylates ), in order to study the evolution of shear thresholds and viscosities. In addition, a coaxial vane-type rheometer is used to study the rheological characterization of the mortars. The obtained experimental results revealed the effectiveness of the incorporation of inert mineral additions combined with polycarboxylates on the rheological parameters.


Rheology, Mortar, Pozzolan, Marble Powder, Limestone Fillers, Polycarboxylates, Shear Threshold, Viscosity.
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  • Effects of Mineral Addition on Rheological Properties of Mortar

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Department of Civil Engineering, Institute of Science, University Cente Morsli Abdallahof Tipaza, Algeria
Taleb Omar
Laboratory EOLE, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering, Abou Bekr Belkaid University, Tlemcen, Algeria
MEDJEDEL Abderrahmane


The evolution of the science of the chemistry of admixtures besides the integration of various mineral additions in granular mixtures has metamorphosed the field of the concrete material. Thus, the produced mixtures are directly affected by the chosen combination of additions of mineral and organic. The disorders of industrial experience have often been associated with the dosages and interactions between the various additions used. The proposed study investigates the impact of the combination of different types of mineral and organic additions on the rheological properties of mortars.

In this research work, mortars were made by varying the rate of substitution of cement by three types of mineral additions (limestone fillers, marble powder, natural pozzolan), in association with different dosages of a 3rd generation superplasticizer (polycarboxylates ), in order to study the evolution of shear thresholds and viscosities. In addition, a coaxial vane-type rheometer is used to study the rheological characterization of the mortars. The obtained experimental results revealed the effectiveness of the incorporation of inert mineral additions combined with polycarboxylates on the rheological parameters.


Rheology, Mortar, Pozzolan, Marble Powder, Limestone Fillers, Polycarboxylates, Shear Threshold, Viscosity.
