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Analysis of Pile Tunnel Interaction

1 Laboratory EOLE, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering, Tlemcen University, Algeria

The response of the ground to the tunneling is an area of great importance for projects in urban environments characterized by soft soils and other structures neighboring. To reduce the risk of damage resulting from the construction of a tunnel, the engineer designer must be able to make reliable predictions of tunneling induced deformations and their effects on the adjacent structures like pile foundations. This paper presents a FE 2D numerical analysis of tunnel-pile interaction to predicting these ground movements and estimating the additional axial forces and deformations caused to these existing piles after the realization of the tunnel where the deformations become stable and the calculation can be performed in 2D. The re-sults found were compared with others studies provided by other authors in order to make comparisons, they are in good agreement. In addition, the analysis of influence of some pa-rameters on the settlement of single-pile are also investigated, including pile length, diameter and depth tunnel and the horizontal position separating the pile from the vertical tunnel axis. The parametric study proved the influence of the different parameters on the behavior of the soil.


Shield tunnelling, tunnel– Single Pile Interaction, Finite element analysis; Analytical method, Parametric study.
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  • Analysis of Pile Tunnel Interaction

Abstract Views: 172  |  PDF Views: 86


Nesrine El Houari
Laboratory EOLE, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering, Tlemcen University, Algeria
Omar Taleb
Laboratory EOLE, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering, Tlemcen University, Algeria
Fethi Hamzaoui
Laboratory EOLE, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering, Tlemcen University, Algeria
Elbahi Bachir
Laboratory EOLE, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering, Tlemcen University, Algeria


The response of the ground to the tunneling is an area of great importance for projects in urban environments characterized by soft soils and other structures neighboring. To reduce the risk of damage resulting from the construction of a tunnel, the engineer designer must be able to make reliable predictions of tunneling induced deformations and their effects on the adjacent structures like pile foundations. This paper presents a FE 2D numerical analysis of tunnel-pile interaction to predicting these ground movements and estimating the additional axial forces and deformations caused to these existing piles after the realization of the tunnel where the deformations become stable and the calculation can be performed in 2D. The re-sults found were compared with others studies provided by other authors in order to make comparisons, they are in good agreement. In addition, the analysis of influence of some pa-rameters on the settlement of single-pile are also investigated, including pile length, diameter and depth tunnel and the horizontal position separating the pile from the vertical tunnel axis. The parametric study proved the influence of the different parameters on the behavior of the soil.


Shield tunnelling, tunnel– Single Pile Interaction, Finite element analysis; Analytical method, Parametric study.
