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Determination of Giving Money Loans to Cooperative Members Using the SAW and TOPSIS Methods in Savings and Loans Cooperatives

1 Computer Science Program, Budi Luhur UniversityJakarta, Indonesia

The increasing volume of money lending transactions by employees of PT Sumi Indo Kabel and PT Karya Sumiden Indonesia has an impact on the difficulty of cooperative management in selecting the eligibility of members to be able to apply for money loans, thi s is because the process is still done manually, so the process of borrowing members becomes slow. Therefore, it is necessary to make a decision support system (DSS) to determine the feasibility of granting money loans to eligible members using the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method and the Technique for Order Performance by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS). With this decision support systems that can solved the problem in determining lending to eligible and the eligible members.


Savings and Loans, Decision Support Systems, SAW, TOPSIS.
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  • Determination of Giving Money Loans to Cooperative Members Using the SAW and TOPSIS Methods in Savings and Loans Cooperatives

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Amin Rizkiyanto
Computer Science Program, Budi Luhur UniversityJakarta, Indonesia


The increasing volume of money lending transactions by employees of PT Sumi Indo Kabel and PT Karya Sumiden Indonesia has an impact on the difficulty of cooperative management in selecting the eligibility of members to be able to apply for money loans, thi s is because the process is still done manually, so the process of borrowing members becomes slow. Therefore, it is necessary to make a decision support system (DSS) to determine the feasibility of granting money loans to eligible members using the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method and the Technique for Order Performance by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS). With this decision support systems that can solved the problem in determining lending to eligible and the eligible members.


Savings and Loans, Decision Support Systems, SAW, TOPSIS.
