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Text Formating Characterization By Non-destructive Vibration Test Of A Sewn Sandwich Plate (100% Composites)

1 LFGM Laboratory, University of TAHRI Mohamed, Bechar,, Algeria

In the ethics of any campaign for the promotion and popularization of an innovative material, it is necessary to pass it through all the standardized tests in order to classify it. To do this, we propose in this investigation the characterization of a sandwich structure whose two skins are made of composites and in the presence of a transverse structural element in the form of a seam. The vibrational method for characterizing innovative materials is expressed by analyzing the self-response spectrum of a standardized specimen excited by an impulsive walking effort. Its particularity of being a non-destructive characterization test makes it essential in the case of innovative materials because their first manufacture is always expensive. In the present study, the fabric of the structure is a sandwich plate sewn by rovings which consolidates the connection between the two skins and the core while ensuring transverse rigidity to the sandwich. The open end was censored by a vise while fixing the signal sensor to the other free end. The acquisition of the results was managed by the PULSE software and an analyzer based on the fast Fourier transformations (FFT). Compared to its analogues in the specialized literature, our experience gave very effective results, and the test piece remained solid and susceptible to further destructive tests for confirmation. However, our sandwich plate is distinguished by its complete composition in composite both the two skins and the seam rovings, for the filling of the core it is ensured by a constructive foam which in principle plays no structural role.


Characterization Non-destructive tests, Frequency,Modal analysis,Pulse.
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  • Text Formating Characterization By Non-destructive Vibration Test Of A Sewn Sandwich Plate (100% Composites)

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BEKKAR Izzeddine
LFGM Laboratory, University of TAHRI Mohamed, Bechar,, Algeria
TAB Bounoua
LFGM Laboratory, University of TAHRI Mohamed, Bechar,, Algeria
BARAKA Abdelhak
LFGM Laboratory, University of TAHRI Mohamed, Bechar,, Algeria
Tafraoui Ahmed
LFGM Laboratory, University of TAHRI Mohamed, Bechar,, Algeria


In the ethics of any campaign for the promotion and popularization of an innovative material, it is necessary to pass it through all the standardized tests in order to classify it. To do this, we propose in this investigation the characterization of a sandwich structure whose two skins are made of composites and in the presence of a transverse structural element in the form of a seam. The vibrational method for characterizing innovative materials is expressed by analyzing the self-response spectrum of a standardized specimen excited by an impulsive walking effort. Its particularity of being a non-destructive characterization test makes it essential in the case of innovative materials because their first manufacture is always expensive. In the present study, the fabric of the structure is a sandwich plate sewn by rovings which consolidates the connection between the two skins and the core while ensuring transverse rigidity to the sandwich. The open end was censored by a vise while fixing the signal sensor to the other free end. The acquisition of the results was managed by the PULSE software and an analyzer based on the fast Fourier transformations (FFT). Compared to its analogues in the specialized literature, our experience gave very effective results, and the test piece remained solid and susceptible to further destructive tests for confirmation. However, our sandwich plate is distinguished by its complete composition in composite both the two skins and the seam rovings, for the filling of the core it is ensured by a constructive foam which in principle plays no structural role.


Characterization Non-destructive tests, Frequency,Modal analysis,Pulse.
