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ESG Score and Mutual Fund Performance : Empirical Evidence from India

1 FORE School of Management, New Delhi, “Adhitam Kendra,” B-18, Qutub Institutional Area, New Delhi - 110 016, India

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This paper studied the relationship between risk-adjusted returns and ESG disclosures of mutual funds operating in India for 13 years. It tested whether the mutual funds with higher ESG scores generated higher risk-adjusted returns than those with lower ESG scores. Further, it also tested whether the mutual funds with higher ESG scores performed better during the COVID-19 crisis period. After controlling for Fama-French five factors, we found that the performance of mutual funds with higher ESG scores neither generated significant positive alphas during the normal period nor the COVID-19 period. The results pointed toward the higher cost of being socially responsible through higher screening costs, opportunity costs, etc. These findings will interest investors, policymakers, and other stakeholders regarding the perceived advantage of investing in socially responsible mutual funds.


ESG, India, Mutual Funds Performance.

JELClassification Codes : G11, G12, G14

Paper Submission Date : January 24, 2023 ; Paper sent back for Revision : February 18, 2023 ; Paper Acceptance Date : March 5, 2023 ; Paper Published Online : March 15, 2023

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  • ESG Score and Mutual Fund Performance : Empirical Evidence from India

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Tarun Kumar Soni
FORE School of Management, New Delhi, “Adhitam Kendra,” B-18, Qutub Institutional Area, New Delhi - 110 016, India


This paper studied the relationship between risk-adjusted returns and ESG disclosures of mutual funds operating in India for 13 years. It tested whether the mutual funds with higher ESG scores generated higher risk-adjusted returns than those with lower ESG scores. Further, it also tested whether the mutual funds with higher ESG scores performed better during the COVID-19 crisis period. After controlling for Fama-French five factors, we found that the performance of mutual funds with higher ESG scores neither generated significant positive alphas during the normal period nor the COVID-19 period. The results pointed toward the higher cost of being socially responsible through higher screening costs, opportunity costs, etc. These findings will interest investors, policymakers, and other stakeholders regarding the perceived advantage of investing in socially responsible mutual funds.


ESG, India, Mutual Funds Performance.

JELClassification Codes : G11, G12, G14

Paper Submission Date : January 24, 2023 ; Paper sent back for Revision : February 18, 2023 ; Paper Acceptance Date : March 5, 2023 ; Paper Published Online : March 15, 2023
