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Biodegradable Nonwoven Bonded Fabric from Tossa Jute and Polylactic Acid Fibre for Carry Bag

1 ICAR-National Institute of Natural Fibre Engineering & Technology, 12 Regent Park, Kolkata 700 040, India

A sustainable flexible nonwoven fabric has been developed using jute (Corchorus olitorius) and polylactic acid (PLA) fibres. The thermal bonding technique has been used to soften the PLA component which behaves as the matrix in jute fibre reinforcement. The central composite rotatable design has been adapted to understand the effects of the independent variables, such as PLA content, roller temperature and roller pressure on mechanical properties, such as tenacity, breaking elongation, initial modulus, energy-at-break, bursting strength and tear strength. Considering the linear, quadratic and two-way interactive effects of independent variables, the second-order polynomial has been suggested which proves good association. The optimised process parameters are PLA content 30%, jute content 70%, roller temperature 170°C and roller pressure 150 N/cm2 . The property comparison with commercial bag fabric shows that the developed jute-PLA fabric is better in many useful aspects. Three types of bags with carrying capacity of 2.5, 5 and 10 kg have been prepared. The results of the hanging test, wetting test, drop resistance test and atmospheric resistance test of the developed bag in comparison to the commercial bag show that the developed bag from jute-PLA performs better. No significant change is found after 10 wetting-drying cycles and hence, the bags are reusable. The fabric can be used successfully as a carry bag or shopping bag. As the process and components of developed fabric are ecofriendly, it will be sustainable and ecofriendly.


Carry Bag, Jute, Mechanical Properties, Polylactic Acid, Statistical Design, Thermal Bonding.
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  • Biodegradable Nonwoven Bonded Fabric from Tossa Jute and Polylactic Acid Fibre for Carry Bag

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Surajit Sengupta
ICAR-National Institute of Natural Fibre Engineering & Technology, 12 Regent Park, Kolkata 700 040, India
Papai Ghosh
ICAR-National Institute of Natural Fibre Engineering & Technology, 12 Regent Park, Kolkata 700 040, India
Izhar Mustafa
ICAR-National Institute of Natural Fibre Engineering & Technology, 12 Regent Park, Kolkata 700 040, India


A sustainable flexible nonwoven fabric has been developed using jute (Corchorus olitorius) and polylactic acid (PLA) fibres. The thermal bonding technique has been used to soften the PLA component which behaves as the matrix in jute fibre reinforcement. The central composite rotatable design has been adapted to understand the effects of the independent variables, such as PLA content, roller temperature and roller pressure on mechanical properties, such as tenacity, breaking elongation, initial modulus, energy-at-break, bursting strength and tear strength. Considering the linear, quadratic and two-way interactive effects of independent variables, the second-order polynomial has been suggested which proves good association. The optimised process parameters are PLA content 30%, jute content 70%, roller temperature 170°C and roller pressure 150 N/cm2 . The property comparison with commercial bag fabric shows that the developed jute-PLA fabric is better in many useful aspects. Three types of bags with carrying capacity of 2.5, 5 and 10 kg have been prepared. The results of the hanging test, wetting test, drop resistance test and atmospheric resistance test of the developed bag in comparison to the commercial bag show that the developed bag from jute-PLA performs better. No significant change is found after 10 wetting-drying cycles and hence, the bags are reusable. The fabric can be used successfully as a carry bag or shopping bag. As the process and components of developed fabric are ecofriendly, it will be sustainable and ecofriendly.


Carry Bag, Jute, Mechanical Properties, Polylactic Acid, Statistical Design, Thermal Bonding.
