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The Impact of Green Innovation on Sustainability Performance in Travel Agencies and Hotels: The Moderating Role of Environmental Commitment

1 Assistant Lecturer, University of Sadat City, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels Tourism Studies Department, Sadat City, Menofia, Egypt
2 Associate Professor University of Sadat City, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels Tourism Studies Department, Sadat City, Menofia, Egypt

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Today, one of the challenges facing many enterprises in all sectors is to minimize negative impacts on the environment and to be greener. This has led the private sector to make performance sustainable. Green innovation is one of the tools used by enterprises in the tourism industry to achieve sustainability performance. This research aims to study the impact of green innovation and its types (green product innovation, green process innovation, green technological innovation and green organizational innovation) on sustainability performance at travel agencies and hotels as tourism enterprises in Egypt and the moderate role of environmental commitment in the relationship between green innovation and sustainability performance. To achieve the objective of this study, data were collected from 218 managers working in travel agencies and hotels in Egypt through a questionnaire. Questionnaires are analyzed through Regression-based Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) by using Smart PLS 3.21. The results show that green innovation and its four types including green product innovation green process innovation, green technological innovation and green organizational innovation have a positive influence on sustainability performance. The results also revealed that environmental commitment playing a moderate role in the relationship between green innovation and sustainability performance. These results hold important implications theoretically and practically for travel agencies and hotels


Green Innovation, Sustainability Performance, Environmental Commitment, Travel Agencies, Hotels
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  • The Impact of Green Innovation on Sustainability Performance in Travel Agencies and Hotels: The Moderating Role of Environmental Commitment

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Yehia Elzek
Assistant Lecturer, University of Sadat City, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels Tourism Studies Department, Sadat City, Menofia, Egypt
Hebatallah Gaafar
Associate Professor University of Sadat City, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels Tourism Studies Department, Sadat City, Menofia, Egypt
Hamida Abdelsamie
Associate Professor University of Sadat City, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels Tourism Studies Department, Sadat City, Menofia, Egypt


Today, one of the challenges facing many enterprises in all sectors is to minimize negative impacts on the environment and to be greener. This has led the private sector to make performance sustainable. Green innovation is one of the tools used by enterprises in the tourism industry to achieve sustainability performance. This research aims to study the impact of green innovation and its types (green product innovation, green process innovation, green technological innovation and green organizational innovation) on sustainability performance at travel agencies and hotels as tourism enterprises in Egypt and the moderate role of environmental commitment in the relationship between green innovation and sustainability performance. To achieve the objective of this study, data were collected from 218 managers working in travel agencies and hotels in Egypt through a questionnaire. Questionnaires are analyzed through Regression-based Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) by using Smart PLS 3.21. The results show that green innovation and its four types including green product innovation green process innovation, green technological innovation and green organizational innovation have a positive influence on sustainability performance. The results also revealed that environmental commitment playing a moderate role in the relationship between green innovation and sustainability performance. These results hold important implications theoretically and practically for travel agencies and hotels


Green Innovation, Sustainability Performance, Environmental Commitment, Travel Agencies, Hotels
