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The Application of Dwyer and Kim Integrated Model of Competitiveness in Egypt Geotourism Sites: A Case Study of Jebel Qatrani

1 Lecturer, Tourism Studies Department, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Fayoum University, Fayoum, Egypt
2 Professor, Tourism Studies Department, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Fayoum University, Fayoum, Egypt

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The aim of this paper is to identify the application of Dwyer and Kim integrated model of competitiveness to increase the demand of geotourism sites Jebel Qatrani in Egypt. This research adopted a quantitative approach based on questionnaire, two types of sampling including a convenience sample for official staff and snowballing sampling for experts. The total number of distributed questio-nnaires was 250 copies. The final returned questionnaires were 190 copies with 76% response rate. The study finding highlighted that the benefits of the competitiveness indicators and variables which including; created resources, site management, situational condition and endowed resources. The findings mentioned that the majority of the resource variables created are not available in Jebel Qatrani and need more attention from those responsible for managing this site. The finding showed that camera not available in Jebel Qatrani. A security procedure is lack in Jebel Qatrani, so there is no procedure for protected customers. The findings showed that there is a unique exceptional variety in geological and geomorphological in Jebel Qatrani. It also indicated that geotourism competitiveness indicators are an important driver of the competitiveness of Jebel Qatrani development. The findings further reported that the geotourism sites demand play an important role for increasing the competitiveness of tourism. This study contributed to enhance knowledge of geotourism sites competitiveness by using Dwyer and Kim integrated model. Challenging point in this study is among fewer studies talking about geotourism competitiveness in Egypt.


Geotourism, Geosite, Geomorphology, Competitiveness, Jebel Qatrani, Egypt
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  • The Application of Dwyer and Kim Integrated Model of Competitiveness in Egypt Geotourism Sites: A Case Study of Jebel Qatrani

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Maha Yehia Kamel Abdou
Lecturer, Tourism Studies Department, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Fayoum University, Fayoum, Egypt
Ghada Mohamed Wafik
Professor, Tourism Studies Department, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Fayoum University, Fayoum, Egypt
Suzan Bakri Hassan
Professor, Tourism Studies Department, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Fayoum University, Fayoum, Egypt


The aim of this paper is to identify the application of Dwyer and Kim integrated model of competitiveness to increase the demand of geotourism sites Jebel Qatrani in Egypt. This research adopted a quantitative approach based on questionnaire, two types of sampling including a convenience sample for official staff and snowballing sampling for experts. The total number of distributed questio-nnaires was 250 copies. The final returned questionnaires were 190 copies with 76% response rate. The study finding highlighted that the benefits of the competitiveness indicators and variables which including; created resources, site management, situational condition and endowed resources. The findings mentioned that the majority of the resource variables created are not available in Jebel Qatrani and need more attention from those responsible for managing this site. The finding showed that camera not available in Jebel Qatrani. A security procedure is lack in Jebel Qatrani, so there is no procedure for protected customers. The findings showed that there is a unique exceptional variety in geological and geomorphological in Jebel Qatrani. It also indicated that geotourism competitiveness indicators are an important driver of the competitiveness of Jebel Qatrani development. The findings further reported that the geotourism sites demand play an important role for increasing the competitiveness of tourism. This study contributed to enhance knowledge of geotourism sites competitiveness by using Dwyer and Kim integrated model. Challenging point in this study is among fewer studies talking about geotourism competitiveness in Egypt.


Geotourism, Geosite, Geomorphology, Competitiveness, Jebel Qatrani, Egypt
