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Workplace Bullying:A Noxious Treatment for Employee Mental Health

1 Department of Psyehology Banaras Hindu University Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India
2 Department of Psyehology MMV, Banaras Hindu University Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India
3 Department ofPsyehology Banaras Hindu University Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India

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Workplace harassment atfects the light, passion, humor, personality and others intellectual properties of many employees, until recently it has been relatively ignored in the ocean of organizational psychology literature. First, the aim of this study was investigate the relationship between workplace bullying and mental health. Secondly, etfect of workplace bullying behaviour on employee behaviour and his deviant behaviour in social relation. Health harming and potential antecedents and consequences also focuses hidden and troubles features of victims. After deep analysis of review show personal construct, individual differences, environmental factor and culture was negatively significant today to night behaviour of employee well-being. Female, disable, patient, aged person, black skin people, third gender and dwarf or all other people found mainly as a victim from previous research. Poor social, work culture, quality, features of work, Rankism and environment were showing negatively correlated with intentional inflicts bullying in organization. Bullying and aggression had similar effects on the feelings of stress, mental health, and job satisfaction of both men and women. Most of the studies focus on only in employee or organizational scenario due to most of part of human behaviour has in dark. Counselling, intervention, prevention, policy, rule, laws have some issue who is not prescribed by previous studies in effective ways.


Aggression, Intentional Inflicts Workplace Bullying, Rankism.
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  • Workplace Bullying:A Noxious Treatment for Employee Mental Health

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Amit Kumar Vishwakarma
Department of Psyehology Banaras Hindu University Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India
Visheshta Mishra
Department of Psyehology MMV, Banaras Hindu University Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India
Sandeep Kumar
Department ofPsyehology Banaras Hindu University Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India


Workplace harassment atfects the light, passion, humor, personality and others intellectual properties of many employees, until recently it has been relatively ignored in the ocean of organizational psychology literature. First, the aim of this study was investigate the relationship between workplace bullying and mental health. Secondly, etfect of workplace bullying behaviour on employee behaviour and his deviant behaviour in social relation. Health harming and potential antecedents and consequences also focuses hidden and troubles features of victims. After deep analysis of review show personal construct, individual differences, environmental factor and culture was negatively significant today to night behaviour of employee well-being. Female, disable, patient, aged person, black skin people, third gender and dwarf or all other people found mainly as a victim from previous research. Poor social, work culture, quality, features of work, Rankism and environment were showing negatively correlated with intentional inflicts bullying in organization. Bullying and aggression had similar effects on the feelings of stress, mental health, and job satisfaction of both men and women. Most of the studies focus on only in employee or organizational scenario due to most of part of human behaviour has in dark. Counselling, intervention, prevention, policy, rule, laws have some issue who is not prescribed by previous studies in effective ways.


Aggression, Intentional Inflicts Workplace Bullying, Rankism.
