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A Study of Spiritual Intelligence, Depression and Anxiety among Undergraduate Students

1 Department of Psychology, Bhonsala Military College, Nashik, Maharashtra, India

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Spiritual intelligence is a relatively new area of interest in the field of psychology. In addition to earlier concepts like IQ and EQ, SQ (Spiritual Quotient) is gaining popularity among behavioral researchers. SQ is an ability to see and evaluate one's life in terms of meaning and value. An unexamined life is not worth living said by Socrates. Spiritual intelligence is a quest for such an examination, a search for meaning and purpose in life. In the present paper researcher has tried to study relationship between spiritual intelligence, depression and anxiety among undergraduate college students. The results show that the students have low level of spiritual intelligence, low level of depression and low level of anxiety. Further, the results show that spiritual intelligence and depression have positive relationship whereas spiritual intelligence and anxiety have negative relationship. Relevant literature has been reviewed to understand the variables under consideration


Spiritual Intelligence, Depression, Anxiety.
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  • A Study of Spiritual Intelligence, Depression and Anxiety among Undergraduate Students

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Dnyaneshwar P. Pawar
Department of Psychology, Bhonsala Military College, Nashik, Maharashtra, India


Spiritual intelligence is a relatively new area of interest in the field of psychology. In addition to earlier concepts like IQ and EQ, SQ (Spiritual Quotient) is gaining popularity among behavioral researchers. SQ is an ability to see and evaluate one's life in terms of meaning and value. An unexamined life is not worth living said by Socrates. Spiritual intelligence is a quest for such an examination, a search for meaning and purpose in life. In the present paper researcher has tried to study relationship between spiritual intelligence, depression and anxiety among undergraduate college students. The results show that the students have low level of spiritual intelligence, low level of depression and low level of anxiety. Further, the results show that spiritual intelligence and depression have positive relationship whereas spiritual intelligence and anxiety have negative relationship. Relevant literature has been reviewed to understand the variables under consideration


Spiritual Intelligence, Depression, Anxiety.
