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Role of Stakeholders in Socially Responsible Business Practices: A Review on Indian SME Clusters

1 Professor & Head Department of Commerce, The University of Burdwan, West Bengal, India
2 Professor, Department of Commerce, The University of Burdwan, West Bengal

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This paper seeks to shed some light on the elements of internal and external stakeholder effects in ensuring socially responsible business practices of the SME clusters. Hit Gap Map analysis is employed to systematically review available secondary sources of information on the business responsibility of Indian clusters in economic, social and environmental dimensions. Evidence suggests that most of the socially responsible initiatives are clustered within the economic dimensions. However, availability of evidence on the intervention of educational institutes and the core firms in the socially responsible practices is high, on the participation of voluntary organizations is moderate, and on the involvement of government in implementing a sound PPP-CSR in social and environmental sectors is scanty.
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  • Role of Stakeholders in Socially Responsible Business Practices: A Review on Indian SME Clusters

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Arindam Laha
Professor & Head Department of Commerce, The University of Burdwan, West Bengal, India
Santanu Kumar Ghosh
Professor, Department of Commerce, The University of Burdwan, West Bengal


This paper seeks to shed some light on the elements of internal and external stakeholder effects in ensuring socially responsible business practices of the SME clusters. Hit Gap Map analysis is employed to systematically review available secondary sources of information on the business responsibility of Indian clusters in economic, social and environmental dimensions. Evidence suggests that most of the socially responsible initiatives are clustered within the economic dimensions. However, availability of evidence on the intervention of educational institutes and the core firms in the socially responsible practices is high, on the participation of voluntary organizations is moderate, and on the involvement of government in implementing a sound PPP-CSR in social and environmental sectors is scanty.
