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Types, Antecedents & Outcomes of Organizational Dysfunctional Behaviors – A Review

1 Ph.D. Research Scholar, India
2 Associate Professor, HR & OB, Shailesh J Mehta School of Management, IIT Bombay, India

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This paper presents a critical and comprehensive review of a few organizational dysfunctional behaviors while highlighting their antecedents, typology, and implications. The paper also discusses key insights from the existing literature on two hidden dysfunctional states and three important causes of organizational dysfunctional behaviors. Apart from the discussion on existing literature, the process of Organizational Fear, Loneliness, and Organizational Retaliatory Behaviors (ORBs) has been synthesized and explained.
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  • Types, Antecedents & Outcomes of Organizational Dysfunctional Behaviors – A Review

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Aditya Agrawal
Ph.D. Research Scholar, India
Ashish Pandey
Associate Professor, HR & OB, Shailesh J Mehta School of Management, IIT Bombay, India


This paper presents a critical and comprehensive review of a few organizational dysfunctional behaviors while highlighting their antecedents, typology, and implications. The paper also discusses key insights from the existing literature on two hidden dysfunctional states and three important causes of organizational dysfunctional behaviors. Apart from the discussion on existing literature, the process of Organizational Fear, Loneliness, and Organizational Retaliatory Behaviors (ORBs) has been synthesized and explained.
