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Effect of Organizational Strategy on Universalistic or Contingent HR Practices in Indian Manufacturing

1 Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, India

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This study seeks to understand the impact that the firm level strategies have on the kind of human resource practices adopted. Several similar studies have been conducted in the Western countries; the paper covers this literature extensively. A set of fifteen HR best practices were studied across various industries such as automobiles, oil&gas, infrastructure, power, chemicals, metals and mining etc in the Indian context. Also, the paper attempts to gauge whether the practices adopted in various organizations are universal to the industry or contingent to their respective corporate strategy - categorized as cost reduction, quality focus and flexible systems.
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  • Effect of Organizational Strategy on Universalistic or Contingent HR Practices in Indian Manufacturing

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Avantika Tomar
Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, India


This study seeks to understand the impact that the firm level strategies have on the kind of human resource practices adopted. Several similar studies have been conducted in the Western countries; the paper covers this literature extensively. A set of fifteen HR best practices were studied across various industries such as automobiles, oil&gas, infrastructure, power, chemicals, metals and mining etc in the Indian context. Also, the paper attempts to gauge whether the practices adopted in various organizations are universal to the industry or contingent to their respective corporate strategy - categorized as cost reduction, quality focus and flexible systems.
