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Non-Performing Assets Management of Commercial Banks in India – A Literature Review

1 Nalanda Institute of Technology, Chandaka, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
2 Assistant Professor, School of Economics, Gangadhar Meher University, Sambalpur, Odisha, India

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The present study analyses existing studies on various issues of Indian commercial banks related to non-performing assets (NPA). The problem of NPA is not only precarious in India, but also across the globe. In other words, NPA is like a large red balloon, a red signal for the banking system in India. The reason for the investigation is to analyse the accessible literature, to place in a nutshell the various points of view of NPAs. The article divides the existing literature into different sections, for a detailed analysis of the identification, growth and composition, determinants, financial ratios, recovery channels, financial sustainability, and other aspects of NPA management of commercial banks. The papers which have been chosen for the literature reviews are based on a systematic literature review. The research papers and articles have been selected by searching keywords in the abstracts and concluding remarks of the whole database. The systematic review process conveys and assists in the selection of appropriate articles for the study. The scope of this research will be helpful to bankers in finding new directions to analyse the management of NPAs, and academicians and researchers in conducting exploratory research. The study presents the research gaps that occur in the management of NPAs, to explain research that can bring an insight into the literature. A wide-ranging review of NPA will not only help identify the issues, but also establish effective management of NPAs.


Banks, NPA, Recovery Channels, Sustainability.
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  • Non-Performing Assets Management of Commercial Banks in India – A Literature Review

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Manoj Kumar Sahoo
Nalanda Institute of Technology, Chandaka, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
Muralidhar Majhi
Assistant Professor, School of Economics, Gangadhar Meher University, Sambalpur, Odisha, India


The present study analyses existing studies on various issues of Indian commercial banks related to non-performing assets (NPA). The problem of NPA is not only precarious in India, but also across the globe. In other words, NPA is like a large red balloon, a red signal for the banking system in India. The reason for the investigation is to analyse the accessible literature, to place in a nutshell the various points of view of NPAs. The article divides the existing literature into different sections, for a detailed analysis of the identification, growth and composition, determinants, financial ratios, recovery channels, financial sustainability, and other aspects of NPA management of commercial banks. The papers which have been chosen for the literature reviews are based on a systematic literature review. The research papers and articles have been selected by searching keywords in the abstracts and concluding remarks of the whole database. The systematic review process conveys and assists in the selection of appropriate articles for the study. The scope of this research will be helpful to bankers in finding new directions to analyse the management of NPAs, and academicians and researchers in conducting exploratory research. The study presents the research gaps that occur in the management of NPAs, to explain research that can bring an insight into the literature. A wide-ranging review of NPA will not only help identify the issues, but also establish effective management of NPAs.


Banks, NPA, Recovery Channels, Sustainability.
