Vol 61, No 2 (2023)

Table of Contents

Vol 61, No 2 (2023)


On-Orbit Performance of Pd/4H-SiC Schottky UV Detectors in a Low-Earth Orbit
Bhavana D, Sirisha J, Sumesh M A, Ravi Chandra Babu G, Amit Maji, S P Karanth, Sriram K V
 Vol 61, No 2 (2023), Pagination: 85-89
ABSTRACT |  PDF Abstract Views: 106  |  PDF Views: 77
Increasing the Efficiency Significantly of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells based on ZnO Nanomaterial Photoanode by Doping Titanium
Nashiha Chalvi Syahra, Iwantono iwantono@lecturer.unri.ac.id, Ari Sulistyo Rinia, Puji Nurrahmawati, Suratun Nafisah, Marlia Morsin, Romi Fadli Syahputra
 Vol 61, No 2 (2023), Pagination: 90-95
ABSTRACT |  PDF Abstract Views: 105  |  PDF Views: 86
Investigation of Optical Properties of Nanostructured Ce0.80-x-yNdxTby,/sub>O2 Compound
Handan Ozlu Torun, Rabia Kırkgecit, Esra Ozturk, Fatma Kılıc Dokan
 Vol 61, No 2 (2023), Pagination: 96-101
ABSTRACT |  PDF Abstract Views: 113  |  PDF Views: 69
Temperature Dependence on Opto-Structural Parameters of Sol-Gel Derived Tin Doped Zirconia Nanoparticles
Saruchi Rani, Surbhi Verma, Sushil Kumar
 Vol 61, No 2 (2023), Pagination: 102-107
ABSTRACT |  PDF Abstract Views: 118  |  PDF Views: 90
First Principle Study of Electronic, Optical and Thermoelectric Properties of CuInS2 and CuInSe2
Laihnuna , Z Pachuau
 Vol 61, No 2 (2023), Pagination: 108-114
ABSTRACT |  PDF Abstract Views: 107  |  PDF Views: 79
Pressure Dependent Elastic, Mechanical and Ultrasonic Properties of ZnO Nanotube
Aadesh K Prajapati, Sachin Rai, Kuldeep , Pramod K Yadawa
 Vol 61, No 2 (2023), Pagination: 115-123
ABSTRACT |  PDF Abstract Views: 103  |  PDF Views: 78
Physico-Chemical Study on Heat Transfer Property of Iron Oxide Nanofluid
Jayashree Sa, Ganeswar Nath
 Vol 61, No 2 (2023), Pagination: 124-131
ABSTRACT |  PDF Abstract Views: 110  |  PDF Views: 81
Effect of Passivation Layers Permittivity on DC and RF Parameters of GaN MESFETs
N Abdaoui, I Hadjoub, A Doghmane, L Abid, Z Hadjoub
 Vol 61, No 2 (2023), Pagination: 132-139
ABSTRACT |  PDF Abstract Views: 108  |  PDF Views: 88