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The Mediating Roles of Supply Chain Quality Integration and Green Logistics Management Between Information Technology and Organisational Performance

1 Dalian Maritime University, China
2 Regent University College of Science and Technology, Ghana
3 Central University, Ghana

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The paper primarily investigates the relationship between information technology, supply chain quality integration, green logistics management and organisational performance. The mediating roles of supply chain quality integration and green logistics management are further examined. The unit of analysis is small and medium enterprises in Ghana. A survey data collected from 280 tactical and strategic managers through questionnaires are analysed using Smart PLS-3. All the hypotheses are supported and accepted. The findings of the analysis establish positive relationships between the exogenous and endogenous variables. It is discovered that supply chain quality integration and green logistics management play intermediary roles between information technology and organisational performance. Moreover, the results show that supply chain quality integration mediates the relationship between information technology and organisational performance. Limitations and future research areas are discussed in work.


Green Logistics Management, Information Technology, Organisational Performance, Supply Chain Quality Integration.
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  • The Mediating Roles of Supply Chain Quality Integration and Green Logistics Management Between Information Technology and Organisational Performance

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Yaw Agyabeng-Mensah
Dalian Maritime University, China
Esther Nana Konadu Ahenkorah
Regent University College of Science and Technology, Ghana
George Nana Arko Korsah
Central University, Ghana


The paper primarily investigates the relationship between information technology, supply chain quality integration, green logistics management and organisational performance. The mediating roles of supply chain quality integration and green logistics management are further examined. The unit of analysis is small and medium enterprises in Ghana. A survey data collected from 280 tactical and strategic managers through questionnaires are analysed using Smart PLS-3. All the hypotheses are supported and accepted. The findings of the analysis establish positive relationships between the exogenous and endogenous variables. It is discovered that supply chain quality integration and green logistics management play intermediary roles between information technology and organisational performance. Moreover, the results show that supply chain quality integration mediates the relationship between information technology and organisational performance. Limitations and future research areas are discussed in work.


Green Logistics Management, Information Technology, Organisational Performance, Supply Chain Quality Integration.
