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Antecedent of Dairy Supply Chain Management Practices:A Conceptual Framework

1 Faculty of Management Studies, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India
2 Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India

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Objective/Purpose: The research paper attempts to understand the prevailing models of Dairy Supply Chain Management (DSCM) practices and develop a conceptual framework of DSCM with the identification of various constructs of Dairy Supply Chain Management (DSCM) through extensive literature review.

Design/Methodology:The paper draws its insights and conclusions from a review of the literature in the field of dairy supply chain management (DSCM), followed by an interaction research approach which helped to refine and validate the theory-derived framework from the perspective of practitioners.

Findings: A conceptual model is being proposed under the research study. The model is basically based on understanding developed through extensive literature review. The model illustrates the antecedents of dairy supply chain management practices and marketing orientation as independent variables and organisational performance and customer satisfaction as dependent variable.

Originality/Value: This review identifies various conceptual and research methodological characteristics of DSCM. This paper carried out a review of literature in the field of dairy supply chains management in order to understand the current practices, identify gaps and suggest future research agenda.


Dairy Supply Chain Management Practices, Marketing Orientation, Customer Satisfaction, Organisational Performance.
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Abstract Views: 366

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  • Antecedent of Dairy Supply Chain Management Practices:A Conceptual Framework

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Rajeev Kumar
Faculty of Management Studies, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India
Ashutosh Mohan
Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India


Objective/Purpose: The research paper attempts to understand the prevailing models of Dairy Supply Chain Management (DSCM) practices and develop a conceptual framework of DSCM with the identification of various constructs of Dairy Supply Chain Management (DSCM) through extensive literature review.

Design/Methodology:The paper draws its insights and conclusions from a review of the literature in the field of dairy supply chain management (DSCM), followed by an interaction research approach which helped to refine and validate the theory-derived framework from the perspective of practitioners.

Findings: A conceptual model is being proposed under the research study. The model is basically based on understanding developed through extensive literature review. The model illustrates the antecedents of dairy supply chain management practices and marketing orientation as independent variables and organisational performance and customer satisfaction as dependent variable.

Originality/Value: This review identifies various conceptual and research methodological characteristics of DSCM. This paper carried out a review of literature in the field of dairy supply chains management in order to understand the current practices, identify gaps and suggest future research agenda.


Dairy Supply Chain Management Practices, Marketing Orientation, Customer Satisfaction, Organisational Performance.
