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Pharmacognostic Standardization, Phenolic and in Vitro Antioxidant Activity of Silene villosa (Family:Caryophyllaceae)

1 Department of Pharmacognosy, College of Pharmacy, Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University, Al-Kharj - 11942, Saudi Arabia

The present study was designed to explore some of the quality principles and in vitro antioxidant exploration of Silene villosa “a non-intentional” herb. The pharmacognostical study and phytochemical evaluation of the herbs of S. villosa was carried out following the reported methods. The total phenolic contents and antioxidant potential of the methanol extract was also evaluated applying the standard methods. Microscopic features of the Transverse Section (T.S) of the ischolar_main were observed as epidermis, medullary rays, xylem cells, phloem cells. The microscopic study of the powder showed the presence of spiral vessels, lignified fibre or tannin containing cells. The extractive value showed the water soluble materials were higher than the alcohol soluble materials. Primarily phytochemical analysis and total phenolic contents (11.78±0.169 %) in powder and extract respectively were conducted. The methanol extract of S. villosa showed dose dependent antioxidant activity. The present study helps in authentication of S. villosa and enhances further exploration of the health benefits due to the presence of phenolic contents and antioxidant property.


Antioxidants, Pharmacognostical, Phytochemicals, Silene villosa, Total Phenols.
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  • Pharmacognostic Standardization, Phenolic and in Vitro Antioxidant Activity of Silene villosa (Family:Caryophyllaceae)

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Ahmed I. Foudah
Department of Pharmacognosy, College of Pharmacy, Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University, Al-Kharj - 11942, Saudi Arabia


The present study was designed to explore some of the quality principles and in vitro antioxidant exploration of Silene villosa “a non-intentional” herb. The pharmacognostical study and phytochemical evaluation of the herbs of S. villosa was carried out following the reported methods. The total phenolic contents and antioxidant potential of the methanol extract was also evaluated applying the standard methods. Microscopic features of the Transverse Section (T.S) of the ischolar_main were observed as epidermis, medullary rays, xylem cells, phloem cells. The microscopic study of the powder showed the presence of spiral vessels, lignified fibre or tannin containing cells. The extractive value showed the water soluble materials were higher than the alcohol soluble materials. Primarily phytochemical analysis and total phenolic contents (11.78±0.169 %) in powder and extract respectively were conducted. The methanol extract of S. villosa showed dose dependent antioxidant activity. The present study helps in authentication of S. villosa and enhances further exploration of the health benefits due to the presence of phenolic contents and antioxidant property.


Antioxidants, Pharmacognostical, Phytochemicals, Silene villosa, Total Phenols.
