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Ameliorating Effect of Vitamin E on Liver Damage Caused by Administering Tartrazine in Male Mice

1 Department of Biology, College of Science and Arts at Khulis, University of Jeddah, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Tartrazine is a common artificial food and pharmaceutical additive and has become a part of daily intake values. However, the actual daily intake is much higher than the recommended value. A higher intake is shown to exhibit carcinogenic, mutagenic, and allergic effects. The present work aimed to research whether antioxidant vitamin E (Vit E) therapy would impact liver damage induced by Tartar-Zine (TZ). Twenty-eight mice were used in this experimental study. Mice were categorized into four groups; group (A) in which mice served as control were orally administered distilled water for 28 days. Group (B) in which mice administered daily 100 mg/kg vitamin E orally for 28 days. Group (C) in which mice administered daily 300 mg/kg tartrazine dissolved in distilled water orally for 28 days. Group (D), mice received orally both 100mg/kg vitamin E and 300mg/kg tartrazine concomitantly for 28 days. Biochemical parameters in serum including liver function enzymes aspartate transaminase (AST), alanine transaminase (ALT) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP), glutathione (GSH), malondialdehyde (MDA), superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione S-transferase (GST) and catalase (CAT) had been inspected. Histological and immunological studies were done including Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2). Results showed that TZ treatment initiates hepatic disorders indicated by elevation of liver enzymes and oxidative stress markers in treated mice. Oral administration of Vit E diminished the activities of ALP, AST, and ALT compared to treated mice. Besides, Vit E effectively reduced oxidative stress as indicated by elevated GSH, SOD, GST, CAT, and decreased MDA. Histologically, TZ+Vit E delineated moderate potential improvement of hepatic tissue architecture. Immunologically revealed that TZ+Vit E treated mice showed reduction in COX-2 immuno-expression in hepatic cords sinusoids and hepatocytes versus TZ group. In conclusion, treatment with Vit E could improve all deviated biochemical, immunological, and histological changed induced by tartrazine consumption.


Hepatoxicity, Tartrazine E102, Vitamin E
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  • Ameliorating Effect of Vitamin E on Liver Damage Caused by Administering Tartrazine in Male Mice

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Turki M. Al-Shaikh
Department of Biology, College of Science and Arts at Khulis, University of Jeddah, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia


Tartrazine is a common artificial food and pharmaceutical additive and has become a part of daily intake values. However, the actual daily intake is much higher than the recommended value. A higher intake is shown to exhibit carcinogenic, mutagenic, and allergic effects. The present work aimed to research whether antioxidant vitamin E (Vit E) therapy would impact liver damage induced by Tartar-Zine (TZ). Twenty-eight mice were used in this experimental study. Mice were categorized into four groups; group (A) in which mice served as control were orally administered distilled water for 28 days. Group (B) in which mice administered daily 100 mg/kg vitamin E orally for 28 days. Group (C) in which mice administered daily 300 mg/kg tartrazine dissolved in distilled water orally for 28 days. Group (D), mice received orally both 100mg/kg vitamin E and 300mg/kg tartrazine concomitantly for 28 days. Biochemical parameters in serum including liver function enzymes aspartate transaminase (AST), alanine transaminase (ALT) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP), glutathione (GSH), malondialdehyde (MDA), superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione S-transferase (GST) and catalase (CAT) had been inspected. Histological and immunological studies were done including Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2). Results showed that TZ treatment initiates hepatic disorders indicated by elevation of liver enzymes and oxidative stress markers in treated mice. Oral administration of Vit E diminished the activities of ALP, AST, and ALT compared to treated mice. Besides, Vit E effectively reduced oxidative stress as indicated by elevated GSH, SOD, GST, CAT, and decreased MDA. Histologically, TZ+Vit E delineated moderate potential improvement of hepatic tissue architecture. Immunologically revealed that TZ+Vit E treated mice showed reduction in COX-2 immuno-expression in hepatic cords sinusoids and hepatocytes versus TZ group. In conclusion, treatment with Vit E could improve all deviated biochemical, immunological, and histological changed induced by tartrazine consumption.


Hepatoxicity, Tartrazine E102, Vitamin E
