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The production and effect of nitrogen nutrition onCicer arietinum L.


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Cicer arietinum L. is a most significant crop which grown and consumed over the entire world, mostly in Asian countries. Chickpea is also trendy in the Ethiopian high ground and South America. The production of chickpea throughout the last three decades has been static in most countries and in some it has even decreased. The two types of chickpea i.e. desi and the kabuli are botanically parallel, but there are strong user preferences for one or the other. Chickpea is a rich source of some vitamins such as riboflavin, thiamin, folate and niacin. This crop may contain anti-nutritional compounds that can spoil consumption of the nutrients by people. The plan of this review is to summarize the nutritional value of chickpea and effect of nitrogen nutrition on chickpea which can be supplemented to plants as nitrate (NO3), ammonium (NH4) or combination of both (NH4NO3).


Chickpea, Nutritional composition, Anti-nutritional compounds, Nitrogen effect
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  • The production and effect of nitrogen nutrition onCicer arietinum L.

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Cicer arietinum L. is a most significant crop which grown and consumed over the entire world, mostly in Asian countries. Chickpea is also trendy in the Ethiopian high ground and South America. The production of chickpea throughout the last three decades has been static in most countries and in some it has even decreased. The two types of chickpea i.e. desi and the kabuli are botanically parallel, but there are strong user preferences for one or the other. Chickpea is a rich source of some vitamins such as riboflavin, thiamin, folate and niacin. This crop may contain anti-nutritional compounds that can spoil consumption of the nutrients by people. The plan of this review is to summarize the nutritional value of chickpea and effect of nitrogen nutrition on chickpea which can be supplemented to plants as nitrate (NO3), ammonium (NH4) or combination of both (NH4NO3).


Chickpea, Nutritional composition, Anti-nutritional compounds, Nitrogen effect
