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Leader Initiating Structure and Leader Consideration as Predictors of Employees’ Adaptive Performance:An Empirical Study

1 Bharathiar School of Management and Entrepreneur Development, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India

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An employee who is adaptable to work environment can accomplish success. Changes happen frequently and it’s vital for workers to be agile. Organizations expect their workforce to possess advanced alertness to be submissive to changing work schema and that’s where ‘adaptive performance’ comes into light. Adaptive performance is the extent to which an employee is capable of performing progressively amidst changes. Leadership possibly play significant role in the performance of employees. In the present study, leader behavior is measured with two factors: leader initiating structure and leader consideration; to verify to what extent these factors influence adaptive performance of employees. Previous literatures have identified leadership behaviors such as transformational leadership, transactional leadership and their influence over adaptive performance. The objective of the study is to examine the influence of leader initiating structure and leader consideration towards employees’ adaptive performance. The respondents of the study are employees working at small scale industries at Coimbatore district, India. Questionnaire method was employed for the research. Regression analysis was conducted to derive the results. The results of the study reveal that leader initiating structure and leader consideration behavior positively influence employees’ adaptive performance. The paper presents an elaborate deliberation of various contributions of literatures towards adaptive performance; emphasizing the need for it in the current generation.


Initiating Structure, Consideration, Adaptive Performance, Leadership, Task-Oriented Behavior, Relationship-Oriented Behavior.
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  • Leader Initiating Structure and Leader Consideration as Predictors of Employees’ Adaptive Performance:An Empirical Study

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D. Vinitha Sree
Bharathiar School of Management and Entrepreneur Development, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
Rupa Gunaseelan
Bharathiar School of Management and Entrepreneur Development, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India


An employee who is adaptable to work environment can accomplish success. Changes happen frequently and it’s vital for workers to be agile. Organizations expect their workforce to possess advanced alertness to be submissive to changing work schema and that’s where ‘adaptive performance’ comes into light. Adaptive performance is the extent to which an employee is capable of performing progressively amidst changes. Leadership possibly play significant role in the performance of employees. In the present study, leader behavior is measured with two factors: leader initiating structure and leader consideration; to verify to what extent these factors influence adaptive performance of employees. Previous literatures have identified leadership behaviors such as transformational leadership, transactional leadership and their influence over adaptive performance. The objective of the study is to examine the influence of leader initiating structure and leader consideration towards employees’ adaptive performance. The respondents of the study are employees working at small scale industries at Coimbatore district, India. Questionnaire method was employed for the research. Regression analysis was conducted to derive the results. The results of the study reveal that leader initiating structure and leader consideration behavior positively influence employees’ adaptive performance. The paper presents an elaborate deliberation of various contributions of literatures towards adaptive performance; emphasizing the need for it in the current generation.


Initiating Structure, Consideration, Adaptive Performance, Leadership, Task-Oriented Behavior, Relationship-Oriented Behavior.
