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Investigating the Effect of Perceived Organizational Support and Values Congruence on the Employees' Entrepreneurship Behaviors (Shiraz Public Organizations as Case Study)

1 Department of Management,University of Isfahan, Iran, Islamic Republic of
2 Islamic Azad University of Dahaghan, Iran, Islamic Republic of

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The present study was aimed to investigate the effect of perceived organizational support and values congruence on the employees' entrepreneurship behaviors. This study is a practical research from purpose view and is a descriptive-survey one from research methodology perspective. The statistical population of this study includes 154 employees of a public organization in the city of Shiraz. A sample of 110 employees has been selected from this population through simple random sampling method. In order to collect the research data in terms of perceived organizational support, values congruence, and entrepreneurship behaviors, three questionnaires have been used. The questionnaire of perceived organizational support has been developed by Eisenberger and et al. (1986). The questionnaire of values congruence has been developed by Cable and Judge (1996). Finally, the questionnaire entrepreneurship behavior has been developed by Pearce et al. (1997). In order to employ these questionnaires, their reliability and validity of the questionnaires have been examined and confirmed. The SPSS and Smart-PLS are the statistical software which has been used for analyzing the research data and test the hypotheses. The results revealed that perceived organizational support (with path coefficient of 0.645) and values congruence (with path coefficient of 0.701) influence employees' entrepreneurship behaviors. Another part of our findings indicated that values congruence plays a mediating role in the relationship between perceived organizational support and entrepreneurship behaviors.


Perceived Organizational Support, Values, Values Congruence, Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurship Behavior.
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  • Investigating the Effect of Perceived Organizational Support and Values Congruence on the Employees' Entrepreneurship Behaviors (Shiraz Public Organizations as Case Study)

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Mohammad Bagher Fallahi
Department of Management,University of Isfahan, Iran, Islamic Republic of
Elham Maleki
Islamic Azad University of Dahaghan, Iran, Islamic Republic of


The present study was aimed to investigate the effect of perceived organizational support and values congruence on the employees' entrepreneurship behaviors. This study is a practical research from purpose view and is a descriptive-survey one from research methodology perspective. The statistical population of this study includes 154 employees of a public organization in the city of Shiraz. A sample of 110 employees has been selected from this population through simple random sampling method. In order to collect the research data in terms of perceived organizational support, values congruence, and entrepreneurship behaviors, three questionnaires have been used. The questionnaire of perceived organizational support has been developed by Eisenberger and et al. (1986). The questionnaire of values congruence has been developed by Cable and Judge (1996). Finally, the questionnaire entrepreneurship behavior has been developed by Pearce et al. (1997). In order to employ these questionnaires, their reliability and validity of the questionnaires have been examined and confirmed. The SPSS and Smart-PLS are the statistical software which has been used for analyzing the research data and test the hypotheses. The results revealed that perceived organizational support (with path coefficient of 0.645) and values congruence (with path coefficient of 0.701) influence employees' entrepreneurship behaviors. Another part of our findings indicated that values congruence plays a mediating role in the relationship between perceived organizational support and entrepreneurship behaviors.


Perceived Organizational Support, Values, Values Congruence, Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurship Behavior.
