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Optimal generation of fast transit corridors in a city

1 Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur 177 005, India

This study proposes a design methodology to generate optimal fast transit corridors in a city (Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India) integrated with a GIS platform. Population density distribution throughout the city was used for identification of nodes. Origin– destination (OD) distance matrix was generated between the nodes using Open Route Service. Centrality model consisting of connectivity and global integration centrality was used to generate an O–D demand matrix. Pre-defined number of clusters was generated to determine terminals using clustering algorithms. The optimal number of clusters was selected with an objective function to minimize the ‘total commuter time’ of the network. Ant colony optimization algorithm was used to generate fast transit corridors between the selected terminals that led to the generation of five such corridors for the study area.


Ant colony optimization, bus terminals, clustering, fast transit corridors.
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  • Optimal generation of fast transit corridors in a city

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Aman Sharma
Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur 177 005, India
Raman Parti
Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur 177 005, India


This study proposes a design methodology to generate optimal fast transit corridors in a city (Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India) integrated with a GIS platform. Population density distribution throughout the city was used for identification of nodes. Origin– destination (OD) distance matrix was generated between the nodes using Open Route Service. Centrality model consisting of connectivity and global integration centrality was used to generate an O–D demand matrix. Pre-defined number of clusters was generated to determine terminals using clustering algorithms. The optimal number of clusters was selected with an objective function to minimize the ‘total commuter time’ of the network. Ant colony optimization algorithm was used to generate fast transit corridors between the selected terminals that led to the generation of five such corridors for the study area.


Ant colony optimization, bus terminals, clustering, fast transit corridors.
