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A methodology to correlate short-term regional climate action and long-term global temperature goals

1 Energy Environment Programme, National Institute of Advanced Studies, Indian Institute of Science Campus, Bengaluru 560 012, India
2 Tricontinental Institute of Social Research, New Delhi 110 016, India

We provide a methodology for assessing short-term mitigation targets for a region against long-term global goals of addressing climate change. We first estimate the per capita fair share of the remaining carbon budget for India from 2018 onwards. Potential long-term emissions trajectories between 2018 and 2100 compatible with this fair share are then constructed. These budget-compatible trajectories are then compared to the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) as well as results from five modelling studies for India. The methodology discussed here can be used to assess the adequacy of NDCs and also helps in rationalizing the process of target setting for climate action.


Carbon budget, climate change, emissions trajectories, fair share, global temperature.
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  • A methodology to correlate short-term regional climate action and long-term global temperature goals

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Tejal Kanitkar
Energy Environment Programme, National Institute of Advanced Studies, Indian Institute of Science Campus, Bengaluru 560 012, India
Haritha Songola
Tricontinental Institute of Social Research, New Delhi 110 016, India


We provide a methodology for assessing short-term mitigation targets for a region against long-term global goals of addressing climate change. We first estimate the per capita fair share of the remaining carbon budget for India from 2018 onwards. Potential long-term emissions trajectories between 2018 and 2100 compatible with this fair share are then constructed. These budget-compatible trajectories are then compared to the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) as well as results from five modelling studies for India. The methodology discussed here can be used to assess the adequacy of NDCs and also helps in rationalizing the process of target setting for climate action.


Carbon budget, climate change, emissions trajectories, fair share, global temperature.
