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Role of Soil Physical Properties in Soil Health Management and Crop Productivity in Rainfed Systems-II Management Technologies and Crop Productivity

1 Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad 500 059, India

In this article we review how different management technologies like integrated nutrient management, tillage practices, mulching, addition of clay, surface compaction, conservation tillage, use of polymers, etc. can favourably modify the soil physical properties like bulk density, porosity, aeration, soil moisture, soil aggregation, water retention and transmission properties, and soil processes like evaporation, infiltration, run-off and soil loss for better crop growth and yield. The central idea of this article is to suggest that if appropriate soil management technologies are adopted in rainfed areas for the improvement of soil physical health, the productivity of rainfed crops can be significantly improved.


Crop Productivity, Management Technologies, Rainfed Agriculture, Soil Physical Properties.
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  • Role of Soil Physical Properties in Soil Health Management and Crop Productivity in Rainfed Systems-II Management Technologies and Crop Productivity

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A. K. Indoria
Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad 500 059, India
K. L. Sharma
Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad 500 059, India
K. Sammi Reddy
Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad 500 059, India
Ch. Srinivasa Rao
Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad 500 059, India


In this article we review how different management technologies like integrated nutrient management, tillage practices, mulching, addition of clay, surface compaction, conservation tillage, use of polymers, etc. can favourably modify the soil physical properties like bulk density, porosity, aeration, soil moisture, soil aggregation, water retention and transmission properties, and soil processes like evaporation, infiltration, run-off and soil loss for better crop growth and yield. The central idea of this article is to suggest that if appropriate soil management technologies are adopted in rainfed areas for the improvement of soil physical health, the productivity of rainfed crops can be significantly improved.


Crop Productivity, Management Technologies, Rainfed Agriculture, Soil Physical Properties.
