Data Mining and Knowledge Engineering

Data Mining and Knowledge Engineering

Publisher: Coimbatore Institute of Information Technology
Editor: Dr. V. Sivaraj
Online ISSN: 0974–9578, Print ISSN: 0974–9683
Frequency: Monthly


The aim of Journal Data Mining Knowledge Engineering focuses on theoretical and practical research development on knowledge engineering and data mining.

        The scope of the journal includes developing technologies in Data Analysis, Data cleaning and pre-processing, Data engineering, Data extraction and reporting, Data mining algorithms and processes, Data mining techniques, tools and applications, Decision analysis, Knowledge-based/rule-based/case based/expert system design, Knowledge acquisition, dissemination, discovery methodologies and technologies, Database design and architecture, Intelligent system design, Data integration and exchange, Data security and data integrity, Database administration and maintenance issues.

Table of Contents

Vol 13, No 6 (2021)


Design and Implementation of Final Year Project Management System
J. V. Joshua, O. D. Alao, T. S. Nwachukwu
 Vol 13, No 6 (2021), Pagination: 101-105
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A Survey on ML Models of Wind Energy Forecasting
T. M. Angelin Monisha Sharean, S Sanjana
 Vol 13, No 6 (2021), Pagination: 106-109
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Human Pose Estimation Benchmarking And Action Recognition
 Vol 13, No 6 (2021), Pagination: 110-116
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Sentiment Analysis using SVM Machine Learning Techniques on Social Media
R Gunavathi, N Saranya
 Vol 13, No 6 (2021), Pagination: 117-122
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