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Entropy Principle for the Evolution of the Universe

1 Department of Systems Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Shizuoka University, Hamamatsu City, 432-8561, Japan

The universe began with Big Bang and is expanding, and the expansion is accelerating at present. Entropy of the universe beco mes larger and larger, hence the Second Law of Thermodynamics is valid in this process. The acceleration of the expansion of the un iverse is considered due to "dark energy". The amount (density) of dark energy decreases when some amount of dark energy changes to matter. Energy is equivalent to matt er: Einstein formula E=mc2 , which is shown to be valid for the conversion of matter to energy, and also for the conversion of energy to matter. When the large amount of dark energy decreases by the change to matter, the decrease of dark energy induces the change of the dynamics of the universe from expansion to shrinking, and the universe shrinks smaller and smaller. According to the Second Law of Thermodynamics (Entropy Principle), the randomne ss of the state of the universe becomes larger with time in this shrinking process. Finally, the universe shrinks to a point with very large randomness in the state and vanishes (Big Crunch): the end of the universe. Thus, the Second Law of Thermodynamics describes all processes of the evolution of the universe from the beginning to the end. The validity of the Second Law of Thermodynamics (Entropy Principle) in the universe has been established in this article, for the first time. The assertion of Clausius in 1865 has been shown to be valid for the first time here, after a long time since his assertion.


The Universe, Entropy, Dark Energv, The Expanding Universe, The Shrinking Universe, The End (Death) of the Universe.
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  • Entropy Principle for the Evolution of the Universe

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Ichiro Aoki
Department of Systems Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Shizuoka University, Hamamatsu City, 432-8561, Japan


The universe began with Big Bang and is expanding, and the expansion is accelerating at present. Entropy of the universe beco mes larger and larger, hence the Second Law of Thermodynamics is valid in this process. The acceleration of the expansion of the un iverse is considered due to "dark energy". The amount (density) of dark energy decreases when some amount of dark energy changes to matter. Energy is equivalent to matt er: Einstein formula E=mc2 , which is shown to be valid for the conversion of matter to energy, and also for the conversion of energy to matter. When the large amount of dark energy decreases by the change to matter, the decrease of dark energy induces the change of the dynamics of the universe from expansion to shrinking, and the universe shrinks smaller and smaller. According to the Second Law of Thermodynamics (Entropy Principle), the randomne ss of the state of the universe becomes larger with time in this shrinking process. Finally, the universe shrinks to a point with very large randomness in the state and vanishes (Big Crunch): the end of the universe. Thus, the Second Law of Thermodynamics describes all processes of the evolution of the universe from the beginning to the end. The validity of the Second Law of Thermodynamics (Entropy Principle) in the universe has been established in this article, for the first time. The assertion of Clausius in 1865 has been shown to be valid for the first time here, after a long time since his assertion.


The Universe, Entropy, Dark Energv, The Expanding Universe, The Shrinking Universe, The End (Death) of the Universe.
