MERI-Journal of Management & IT

MERI-Journal of Management & IT

Publisher: Management Education and Research Institute, New Delhi
Editor: Prof. Lalit Aggarwal
Online ISSN: Applied, Print ISSN: 0974-2093
Frequency: Biannual


The journal aims at disseminating new knowledge in the field of management and information technology and provides a forum for deliberations and exchange of knowledge among academics, industries, researchers. The Journal encourages submission of theoretical and empirical papers, case studies, book reviews and commentaries in the different domains of management and Information Technology and related disciplines. The Journal is listed in reputed Cabells directory ,USA.

MERI-Journal of Management & IT, is included in the List of UGC approved journals and the Sl .No. is 45637.

Table of Contents

Vol 14, No 1-2 (2021)


Impact of Microfinance: Does Economic Well-Being leads to Economic Empowerment
Aarti Dhanrajani
DOI: 10.25089/MERI/2021/v14-15/i1-2/211475 ,  Vol 14, No 1-2 (2021), Pagination: 1-13
ABSTRACT |  PDF     Abstract Views: 445  |  PDF Views: 0
A Strategic Approach for "Work from Home in Covid-19 times"
Shikha Gupta
DOI: 10.25089/MERI/2021/v14-15/i1-2/211476 ,  Vol 14, No 1-2 (2021), Pagination: 14-24
ABSTRACT |  PDF     Abstract Views: 430  |  PDF Views: 1