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Study on Applications and Challenges in Natural Disaster Management Using Multimodal System

1 Research Scholar, DAV University, Jalandhar, India
2 Assistant Professor, DAV University, Jalandhar, India
3 Assistant Professor, CMR Engineering College, Hyderabad, India

Organizations, which include government agencies, the military, and humanitarian groups, are responsible for providing the most vulnerable individuals with aid and protection during emergencies and disasters. Their rapid decisions are made possible through the information they gather. Their information needs vary depending on their specific roles and responsibilities. In times of crisis, they need factual and timely information, especially when there is a lack of reliable sources such as radio or TV. Due to the increasing number of people using social media platforms and mobile technologies, the general public has gained access to more effective and practical ways to share information. The term multimodal refers to the combination of various computational methods used to analyze the data collected from social media platforms. Some studies show how social media analytics can be used to summarize and curate information related to disasters. This paper discusses the research being conducted in the field of crisis informatics, which is an interdisciplinary discipline that combines the expertise of social science and computing to extract information related to disasters. Due to the availability of social media data, this field is heavily focused on developing effective strategies to use it.


Multimodal System, Natural Disaster Management, Social Media, Machine Learning.
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  • Study on Applications and Challenges in Natural Disaster Management Using Multimodal System

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Amandeep Singh
Research Scholar, DAV University, Jalandhar, India
Hiteshwari Sabrol
Assistant Professor, DAV University, Jalandhar, India
Verma T
Assistant Professor, CMR Engineering College, Hyderabad, India


Organizations, which include government agencies, the military, and humanitarian groups, are responsible for providing the most vulnerable individuals with aid and protection during emergencies and disasters. Their rapid decisions are made possible through the information they gather. Their information needs vary depending on their specific roles and responsibilities. In times of crisis, they need factual and timely information, especially when there is a lack of reliable sources such as radio or TV. Due to the increasing number of people using social media platforms and mobile technologies, the general public has gained access to more effective and practical ways to share information. The term multimodal refers to the combination of various computational methods used to analyze the data collected from social media platforms. Some studies show how social media analytics can be used to summarize and curate information related to disasters. This paper discusses the research being conducted in the field of crisis informatics, which is an interdisciplinary discipline that combines the expertise of social science and computing to extract information related to disasters. Due to the availability of social media data, this field is heavily focused on developing effective strategies to use it.


Multimodal System, Natural Disaster Management, Social Media, Machine Learning.
