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Assessment of Wave and Solar Energy Potential Along Western Coast of India

1 Department of General Engineering, Institute of Chemical Technology, Nathalal Parekh Marg, Matunga, Mumbai, Maharashtra -400019, India

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Renewable energy is the need of the day to address energy crisis in the world. Renewable energy share in India is nearly 14% of the total installed capacity. Ocean energy does not contribute to this share at all. With a long coast line ocean energy has enormous potential of electricity generation in India especially for remote coastal areas which are still deprived of electricity. Although India is blessed with large amount of solar power, but during south west monsoon months, western coast of India experiences rainy season for around three to four months i.e. from June to September. Wave energy potential increases during monsoon months, which is evident from considerable increase in significant wave height and mean wave period. A hybrid arrangement with wave energy and solar energy generation using stand alone micro-grids can solve the problem of energy deficit and can also supply households of remote coastal areas of India that have no electricity.

This paper describes potential of wave energy along western coast of India. With significant wave height and mean wave period data obtained from wave rider buoys and moored buoys installed along various locations of western coast of India, an assessment of wave energy has been obtained. With solar irradiation data along the coast it is established that solar and wave energy hybrid system can be an answer to the problem of remote coastal areas deprived of grid connection.


Wave Energy, Wave Energy Converters, Oscillating Water Column, Significant Wave Height, Mean Wave Period, Solar Irradiation.
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  • Assessment of Wave and Solar Energy Potential Along Western Coast of India

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Prerna Goswami
Department of General Engineering, Institute of Chemical Technology, Nathalal Parekh Marg, Matunga, Mumbai, Maharashtra -400019, India
S. P. Deshmukh
Department of General Engineering, Institute of Chemical Technology, Nathalal Parekh Marg, Matunga, Mumbai, Maharashtra -400019, India


Renewable energy is the need of the day to address energy crisis in the world. Renewable energy share in India is nearly 14% of the total installed capacity. Ocean energy does not contribute to this share at all. With a long coast line ocean energy has enormous potential of electricity generation in India especially for remote coastal areas which are still deprived of electricity. Although India is blessed with large amount of solar power, but during south west monsoon months, western coast of India experiences rainy season for around three to four months i.e. from June to September. Wave energy potential increases during monsoon months, which is evident from considerable increase in significant wave height and mean wave period. A hybrid arrangement with wave energy and solar energy generation using stand alone micro-grids can solve the problem of energy deficit and can also supply households of remote coastal areas of India that have no electricity.

This paper describes potential of wave energy along western coast of India. With significant wave height and mean wave period data obtained from wave rider buoys and moored buoys installed along various locations of western coast of India, an assessment of wave energy has been obtained. With solar irradiation data along the coast it is established that solar and wave energy hybrid system can be an answer to the problem of remote coastal areas deprived of grid connection.


Wave Energy, Wave Energy Converters, Oscillating Water Column, Significant Wave Height, Mean Wave Period, Solar Irradiation.
