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Numerical Analysis of Crack Orientation Detection Using Eddy Current Testing and Particle Swarm Optimization

1 Civil Engineering and Sustainable Development Laboratory ,Faculty of Sciences and Technology ,Ziane Achour University of Djelfa,,, Algeria
2 Blekinge Institute of Technology SE-371 79;Department of Computer Science,Karlskrona,, Sweden

The crack orientation has a crucial role in the fracture parameters estimation. For this reason, we proposed an inverse approach to detect the orientation of crack within an axisymmetric model based on the particle swarm optimization algorithm. The numerical study of this approach was derived from a finite element model of eddy current testing. The obtained results prove that this algorithm can be a good alternative to the direct method to predict the crack orientation when it is challenging to find crack orientation by eddy current testing.


Particle swarm optimization, Crack orientation, Crack detection, Eddy current testing, Inverse problem, Finite element method.
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  • Numerical Analysis of Crack Orientation Detection Using Eddy Current Testing and Particle Swarm Optimization

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Amor M
Civil Engineering and Sustainable Development Laboratory ,Faculty of Sciences and Technology ,Ziane Achour University of Djelfa,,, Algeria
Harzallah S
Civil Engineering and Sustainable Development Laboratory ,Faculty of Sciences and Technology ,Ziane Achour University of Djelfa,,, Algeria
benchiekh B
Civil Engineering and Sustainable Development Laboratory ,Faculty of Sciences and Technology ,Ziane Achour University of Djelfa,,, Algeria
Abbase Chedaad
Blekinge Institute of Technology SE-371 79;Department of Computer Science,Karlskrona,, Sweden


The crack orientation has a crucial role in the fracture parameters estimation. For this reason, we proposed an inverse approach to detect the orientation of crack within an axisymmetric model based on the particle swarm optimization algorithm. The numerical study of this approach was derived from a finite element model of eddy current testing. The obtained results prove that this algorithm can be a good alternative to the direct method to predict the crack orientation when it is challenging to find crack orientation by eddy current testing.


Particle swarm optimization, Crack orientation, Crack detection, Eddy current testing, Inverse problem, Finite element method.
