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Simulation and parametric analysis of low pressure on the operation of a concentrated solar thermal installation

1 ETAP Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Technology. University of Tlemcen, Algeria., Algeria
2 MECACOM Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Technology. University of Tlemcen, Algeria., Algeria

The exploitation of solar energy has become a major concern, especially since our country holds a significant solar potential during the year. We can use concentrated solar energy to produce electricity or heat. This contribution consists, from simulations, in the parametric analysis of the operation of a solar concentration thermal installation, highlighting the direction of the variation of the thermal efficiency as a function of the low pressure for a machine working according to the ideal cycle of RANKINE. We were interested too:

  • In the sense of the variation of the thermal efficiency as a function of the temperature of the superheat for an improved installation working according to the ideal cycle of HIRN
  • At the influence of the overheating temperature for the HIRN cycle and low pressures for both cycles (RANKINE and HIRN), on the yield in order to propose a possible improvement.

Simulations for different modifications on the RANKINE and HIRN cycles show that for an increase in the superheat temperature, the reduction of the low-pressure lead to a better yield.


Influence, Temperatures, Pressures, Solar Thermal Installation, Solar Tower, Steam Turbine, Thermal Efficiency of a Steam Turbine.
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  • Simulation and parametric analysis of low pressure on the operation of a concentrated solar thermal installation

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ETAP Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Technology. University of Tlemcen, Algeria., Algeria
MECACOM Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Technology. University of Tlemcen, Algeria., Algeria
ALIANE Abdennour
ETAP Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Technology. University of Tlemcen, Algeria., Algeria


The exploitation of solar energy has become a major concern, especially since our country holds a significant solar potential during the year. We can use concentrated solar energy to produce electricity or heat. This contribution consists, from simulations, in the parametric analysis of the operation of a solar concentration thermal installation, highlighting the direction of the variation of the thermal efficiency as a function of the low pressure for a machine working according to the ideal cycle of RANKINE. We were interested too:

  • In the sense of the variation of the thermal efficiency as a function of the temperature of the superheat for an improved installation working according to the ideal cycle of HIRN
  • At the influence of the overheating temperature for the HIRN cycle and low pressures for both cycles (RANKINE and HIRN), on the yield in order to propose a possible improvement.

Simulations for different modifications on the RANKINE and HIRN cycles show that for an increase in the superheat temperature, the reduction of the low-pressure lead to a better yield.


Influence, Temperatures, Pressures, Solar Thermal Installation, Solar Tower, Steam Turbine, Thermal Efficiency of a Steam Turbine.
