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A Bibliometric Analysis on Financial Inclusion and Financial Literacy – Analyzing the Current Research Trends

1 Research Scholar (Corresponding Author), Symbiosis Centre for Research and Innovation, Symbiosis International 1(Deemed University), Pune - 411 026, Maharashtra. and Teaching Assistant, Symbiosis College of Arts & Commerce, Pune - 411 004, Maharashtra, India
2 Assistant Professor, Symbiosis Centre for Management Studies, Symbiosis International (Deemed University), Pune - 411 014, Maharashtra., India

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Purpose : Bibliometric analysis acts as a road map in research and helps understand the existing body of knowledge. We conducted a bibliometric analysis in the field of financial inclusion (FI) and financial literacy (FL). Design/Methodology/Approach : We used Biblioshiny through R studio on 2,836 documents extracted from WOS and Scopus databases from 1984 to 2022. Findings : We identified prominent authors, highly cited publications, significant themes and keywords, and co-citation networks. Originality/Value : This study used Scopus and Web of Science (WOS) data to conduct the bibliometric analysis. Practical Implications : The research results will be significant to scholars, researchers, and policymakers in FI and FL, as the study showed the roadmap and pathways to scientifically understanding current and future research trends.


Financial Inclusion, Financial Literacy, Financial Development, Financial Behaviour, Growth, Mobile Money, Fintech, Financial Planning

JELClassification Codes : G21, G28, G53

Paper Submission Date : July 5, 2022 ; Paper sent back for Revision : January 16, 2023 ; Paper Acceptance Date : January 28, 2023 ; Paper Published Online : February 15, 2023

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  • A Bibliometric Analysis on Financial Inclusion and Financial Literacy – Analyzing the Current Research Trends

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Careen Mary Khongwir
Research Scholar (Corresponding Author), Symbiosis Centre for Research and Innovation, Symbiosis International 1(Deemed University), Pune - 411 026, Maharashtra. and Teaching Assistant, Symbiosis College of Arts & Commerce, Pune - 411 004, Maharashtra, India
Sharmiladevi J.C.
Assistant Professor, Symbiosis Centre for Management Studies, Symbiosis International (Deemed University), Pune - 411 014, Maharashtra., India


Purpose : Bibliometric analysis acts as a road map in research and helps understand the existing body of knowledge. We conducted a bibliometric analysis in the field of financial inclusion (FI) and financial literacy (FL). Design/Methodology/Approach : We used Biblioshiny through R studio on 2,836 documents extracted from WOS and Scopus databases from 1984 to 2022. Findings : We identified prominent authors, highly cited publications, significant themes and keywords, and co-citation networks. Originality/Value : This study used Scopus and Web of Science (WOS) data to conduct the bibliometric analysis. Practical Implications : The research results will be significant to scholars, researchers, and policymakers in FI and FL, as the study showed the roadmap and pathways to scientifically understanding current and future research trends.


Financial Inclusion, Financial Literacy, Financial Development, Financial Behaviour, Growth, Mobile Money, Fintech, Financial Planning

JELClassification Codes : G21, G28, G53

Paper Submission Date : July 5, 2022 ; Paper sent back for Revision : January 16, 2023 ; Paper Acceptance Date : January 28, 2023 ; Paper Published Online : February 15, 2023
