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The Determination of Perceived Value for Usability on Customer Satisfaction and Attitudinal Intention

1 Associate Professor, Department of Tourism Management, College of Economics & Business Administration, Daegu University, Gyeongsan, Gyeongbuk, Korea, Democratic People's Republic of

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This study aimed to improve the quality of online travel agencies in terms of usability as seen from the customers’ perception. Specifically, the two main study objectives were (a) to examine the usability factors that determine the user’s satisfaction, and (b) to discern the level of satisfaction and attitudinal intention in terms of usability toward an online travel agency. The effect of usability on customer satisfaction and attitudinal intention in an online travel agency was analyzed. Understanding the perceived value of consumers, as well as the factors influencing their satisfaction and attitudinal intention, will help businesses develop for their online travel agency websites. The modified items for the three constructs (i.e., perceived value for usability, customer satisfaction, and attitudinal intention) were used in the conceptual model. Items were specified that can improve websites and provide beneficial information for the management of online travel agencies. The customers’ desires and needs were precisely determined and the usability was specified according to the important items based on their views.


Perceived Value for Usability, Customer Satisfaction, Attitudinal Intention, Online Travel Agency (OTA)
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  • The Determination of Perceived Value for Usability on Customer Satisfaction and Attitudinal Intention

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Kwang-Woo Lee
Associate Professor, Department of Tourism Management, College of Economics & Business Administration, Daegu University, Gyeongsan, Gyeongbuk, Korea, Democratic People's Republic of


This study aimed to improve the quality of online travel agencies in terms of usability as seen from the customers’ perception. Specifically, the two main study objectives were (a) to examine the usability factors that determine the user’s satisfaction, and (b) to discern the level of satisfaction and attitudinal intention in terms of usability toward an online travel agency. The effect of usability on customer satisfaction and attitudinal intention in an online travel agency was analyzed. Understanding the perceived value of consumers, as well as the factors influencing their satisfaction and attitudinal intention, will help businesses develop for their online travel agency websites. The modified items for the three constructs (i.e., perceived value for usability, customer satisfaction, and attitudinal intention) were used in the conceptual model. Items were specified that can improve websites and provide beneficial information for the management of online travel agencies. The customers’ desires and needs were precisely determined and the usability was specified according to the important items based on their views.


Perceived Value for Usability, Customer Satisfaction, Attitudinal Intention, Online Travel Agency (OTA)
