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Strategic Leadership & Business Performance- A Mediation Model

1 Indian Institute of Management Ranchi, India

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The present study has used two aspects of learning: organizational learning culture (OLC) and organizational learning (OL) as explanatory mechanisms of the relationship between strategic leadership (SL) and business performance (BP). A cross-sectional survey was conducted leading to 326 usable data from IT companies based in India. The analysis was done using SPSS and Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). The study findings reveal that the SL has effect on BP directly as well as indirectly through OLC and OL in knowledge work intensive IT industry.
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  • Strategic Leadership & Business Performance- A Mediation Model

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Rashmi Jha
Indian Institute of Management Ranchi, India
Manish Kumar
Indian Institute of Management Ranchi, India
Shailendra Singh
Indian Institute of Management Ranchi, India


The present study has used two aspects of learning: organizational learning culture (OLC) and organizational learning (OL) as explanatory mechanisms of the relationship between strategic leadership (SL) and business performance (BP). A cross-sectional survey was conducted leading to 326 usable data from IT companies based in India. The analysis was done using SPSS and Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). The study findings reveal that the SL has effect on BP directly as well as indirectly through OLC and OL in knowledge work intensive IT industry.
