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Factors Associated with Affective Commitment of Indian IT/ITES Employees in the Aftermath of Downsizing

1 XLRI Jamshedpur., India

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This study examines the impact of specific contextual factors (perceived organizational support, trust in top management, meaningful work, distributive, procedural, and interactional justice) on the affective commitment level of Indian managers operating in Indian IT and IT-enabled services (ITES) sector in the aftermath of organizational downsizing. Data collected from 190 managers working in an MNC operating in the IT/ITES domain in India was used to examine how the six contextual factors influence affective commitment. The managers surveyed were the survivors of the downsizing effort. Results suggest that except all three organizational justice, all other factors significantly positively impacted employee commitment.


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  • Factors Associated with Affective Commitment of Indian IT/ITES Employees in the Aftermath of Downsizing

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Anita Sarkar
XLRI Jamshedpur., India


This study examines the impact of specific contextual factors (perceived organizational support, trust in top management, meaningful work, distributive, procedural, and interactional justice) on the affective commitment level of Indian managers operating in Indian IT and IT-enabled services (ITES) sector in the aftermath of organizational downsizing. Data collected from 190 managers working in an MNC operating in the IT/ITES domain in India was used to examine how the six contextual factors influence affective commitment. The managers surveyed were the survivors of the downsizing effort. Results suggest that except all three organizational justice, all other factors significantly positively impacted employee commitment.


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