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Multi-dimensional Approach to Union Effectiveness- Case Studies from Indonesia & Malaysia

1 Dept of Management, Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia
2 Industrial Relations Program, School of Social Sciences, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Sabah, Malaysia, Malaysia

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The success of an organisation is measured by the term organisation effectiveness. In the literature, the concept of union effectiveness attempts to indicate how well unions perform in achieving their goals and there is emphasis on the importance of using multiple criteria to assess organisation effectiveness. However, only a few studies have utilised multidimensional measures of union effectiveness. This article explores the application of a comprehensive measure of union effectiveness at workplace. The authors use the Spatial Model that employs complete and balanced indicators of effectiveness. Empirical data are provided from a research at postal companies in Indonesia and Malaysia.
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  • Multi-dimensional Approach to Union Effectiveness- Case Studies from Indonesia & Malaysia

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Aryana Satrya
Dept of Management, Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia
Balakrishnan Parasuraman
Industrial Relations Program, School of Social Sciences, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Sabah, Malaysia, Malaysia


The success of an organisation is measured by the term organisation effectiveness. In the literature, the concept of union effectiveness attempts to indicate how well unions perform in achieving their goals and there is emphasis on the importance of using multiple criteria to assess organisation effectiveness. However, only a few studies have utilised multidimensional measures of union effectiveness. This article explores the application of a comprehensive measure of union effectiveness at workplace. The authors use the Spatial Model that employs complete and balanced indicators of effectiveness. Empirical data are provided from a research at postal companies in Indonesia and Malaysia.
