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The Holistic Approach to Diversity Management: HR Implications

1 Management Development Institute, Sukhrali, Mehrauli Road, Gurgaon 122001, India

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High involvement work systems today reflect inclusiveness and diversity, which have emerged in contemporary literature due to effects of globalization. Trends like outsourcing, off shoring, mergers and acquisitions, have led to a migratory workforce resulting in diversity in organizations. Moving from affirmative action, which was perceived as creating a stigma, organizations have embarked on diversity management, a more inclusive approach. This approach focuses on the unique strengths of people besides giving each individual an equal opportunity. Organizations worldwide, in their attempt at diversity management, have faced problems, as stereotypes are deeply ischolar_mained in one's culture and there are resistances to change. This paper tries to highlight the definition of diversity, the issues associated with it, different initiatives taken by organizations worldwide and the implications for organizations.
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  • The Holistic Approach to Diversity Management: HR Implications

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Anita Ollapally
Management Development Institute, Sukhrali, Mehrauli Road, Gurgaon 122001, India
Jyotsna Bhatnagar
Management Development Institute, Sukhrali, Mehrauli Road, Gurgaon 122001, India


High involvement work systems today reflect inclusiveness and diversity, which have emerged in contemporary literature due to effects of globalization. Trends like outsourcing, off shoring, mergers and acquisitions, have led to a migratory workforce resulting in diversity in organizations. Moving from affirmative action, which was perceived as creating a stigma, organizations have embarked on diversity management, a more inclusive approach. This approach focuses on the unique strengths of people besides giving each individual an equal opportunity. Organizations worldwide, in their attempt at diversity management, have faced problems, as stereotypes are deeply ischolar_mained in one's culture and there are resistances to change. This paper tries to highlight the definition of diversity, the issues associated with it, different initiatives taken by organizations worldwide and the implications for organizations.
