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Transformational Leadership-An Indispensable Tool for Developing Unrelenting and Unparalleled Success for Organisation

1 Business Administration, Lingaya’s University, Faridabad, India

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The role of leadership in bringing desired results either through influence or through exemplifying the desired behaviour is quite universal and is globally accepted. The concept of transformational leadership aids in bringing an overall development and change in culture and in bringing fruitful results in organisation. The present study conceptually focuses on role transformation leaders play in building a positive and purposeful attitude of followers and work at macro level by making them more aware emotionally, socially thus transforming their followers into real and effective leaders.

The study identifies certain traits of transformational leaders and different ways to evaluate transformational leadership. It also focuses on different strategies by which they bring change in organisation. Few instances which exemplify the role of these leaders in present and in history are also discussed like learning from Bhagvad Gita. Thus this study conceptually focuses on multi-facet role of transformational leaders in making organisation collaborative learning organisation and how the learning helps in building a sustainable advantage for organisation.


Transformational Leaders, Organisation Development, Leadership
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  • Transformational Leadership-An Indispensable Tool for Developing Unrelenting and Unparalleled Success for Organisation

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Vijit Chaturvedi
Business Administration, Lingaya’s University, Faridabad, India


The role of leadership in bringing desired results either through influence or through exemplifying the desired behaviour is quite universal and is globally accepted. The concept of transformational leadership aids in bringing an overall development and change in culture and in bringing fruitful results in organisation. The present study conceptually focuses on role transformation leaders play in building a positive and purposeful attitude of followers and work at macro level by making them more aware emotionally, socially thus transforming their followers into real and effective leaders.

The study identifies certain traits of transformational leaders and different ways to evaluate transformational leadership. It also focuses on different strategies by which they bring change in organisation. Few instances which exemplify the role of these leaders in present and in history are also discussed like learning from Bhagvad Gita. Thus this study conceptually focuses on multi-facet role of transformational leaders in making organisation collaborative learning organisation and how the learning helps in building a sustainable advantage for organisation.


Transformational Leaders, Organisation Development, Leadership
