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Assessing Impact of Electronic Payment Technology on Customers’ Satisfaction Level at Shell Relays Filling Station in Mauritius

1 Honoris Educational Network,, Mauritius

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The electronic payment system (EPS) is one of the most-advanced systems for enabling the execution of transactions. Effective use of the e-payment system relies on customer satisfaction level. In view of this, this study aimed to investigate the impact of electronic payment technology on customers’ satisfaction level at Shell Relays Filling Station in Mauritius. The study revealed various impacts of e-payment, such impacts as the usability, time factor, affordability, user-friendliness and protection. It has also been discovered that the level of education has a greater effect on consumer satisfaction. To achieve the stated objective, the study followed a quantitative approach. The population was selected among e-payment users at Shell Relays Filling Station through a random sampling technique. Primary data were gathered from 118 respondents by using online questionnaires. The results are consequently analysed in tables, bar charts, and pie charts derived by the computer software Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) and Microsoft Excel. Based on the findings of this report and its conclusion, practicable recommendations were suggested to decision-makers to help them improve the e-payment system in order to fulfill consumer needs and thereby satisfying them.


E-Payment, Electronic Payment System, Information and Communication Technology, Statistical Package for Social Science
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  • Assessing Impact of Electronic Payment Technology on Customers’ Satisfaction Level at Shell Relays Filling Station in Mauritius

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Shadrack Khaoya Wakhura
Honoris Educational Network,, Mauritius


The electronic payment system (EPS) is one of the most-advanced systems for enabling the execution of transactions. Effective use of the e-payment system relies on customer satisfaction level. In view of this, this study aimed to investigate the impact of electronic payment technology on customers’ satisfaction level at Shell Relays Filling Station in Mauritius. The study revealed various impacts of e-payment, such impacts as the usability, time factor, affordability, user-friendliness and protection. It has also been discovered that the level of education has a greater effect on consumer satisfaction. To achieve the stated objective, the study followed a quantitative approach. The population was selected among e-payment users at Shell Relays Filling Station through a random sampling technique. Primary data were gathered from 118 respondents by using online questionnaires. The results are consequently analysed in tables, bar charts, and pie charts derived by the computer software Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) and Microsoft Excel. Based on the findings of this report and its conclusion, practicable recommendations were suggested to decision-makers to help them improve the e-payment system in order to fulfill consumer needs and thereby satisfying them.


E-Payment, Electronic Payment System, Information and Communication Technology, Statistical Package for Social Science
