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The Impact of Stressful Conditions and Prevalence of Depression and Suicides in Adolescents

1 Dept. of Psychology & Parapsychology, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, India

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Adolescence is a rather turbulent period since adolescents are suddenly expected to become autonomous, abstract thinking, problem solving, and planning individuals. They lack skills and experience in adjusting to these changes. When emotionality is high it leads to stress. If the stress can be controlled or overcome by using a successful coping strategy then the adolescent can get on with life normally. On the other hand if the level of stress is high and is for a prolonged period of time it usually results in depression. Due to lack of proper coping skills and remedial help increasingly more and more adolescents are committing suicides in our country. It is essential that stress and depression in adolescents is identified at the initial stages. Awareness of factors that contribute to the negative states and feelings of the adolescents can help in developing and implementing preventive measures. This article reviews research in these significant areas.


Adolescence, Mental Health, Adolescent Problems, Suicides
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  • The Impact of Stressful Conditions and Prevalence of Depression and Suicides in Adolescents

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K. Suneetha
Dept. of Psychology & Parapsychology, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, India


Adolescence is a rather turbulent period since adolescents are suddenly expected to become autonomous, abstract thinking, problem solving, and planning individuals. They lack skills and experience in adjusting to these changes. When emotionality is high it leads to stress. If the stress can be controlled or overcome by using a successful coping strategy then the adolescent can get on with life normally. On the other hand if the level of stress is high and is for a prolonged period of time it usually results in depression. Due to lack of proper coping skills and remedial help increasingly more and more adolescents are committing suicides in our country. It is essential that stress and depression in adolescents is identified at the initial stages. Awareness of factors that contribute to the negative states and feelings of the adolescents can help in developing and implementing preventive measures. This article reviews research in these significant areas.


Adolescence, Mental Health, Adolescent Problems, Suicides
